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RE: Why I Write Fiction and Why I Will Stop Sharing it Here

in #writing7 years ago

Well, I think you've summed it up. Working on serialized fiction and keeping at it while focusing on the quality is hard work. To have it fall by the wayside or be superseded by a meme or shitty-video is a punch to the gut. And to never have a chance at the Trending page... Bah! These bidbots are a stinky ass-hat on the blockchain.

I've been focusing on shorter personal interest pieces and will still strive to write my fiction and support the TWB community (an essential community to improve your writing.) Like you, most of that fiction will likely not end up on the chain. I'm still trying to find a niche... mostly non-fiction, sciency topics with a bit of family thrown in...

Mmmmm... I wonder about a new interface that ignores posts upvoted by bidbots...


Jason, interfaces are going to be a very top priority point of discussion in TWB meeting this coming weekend. Please oh please oh please be there.

Oh! I'm back... be on Discord later this afternoon. I'll be at the meeting this weekend. Was out on a top secret mission ;-)

Top secret?!!! Ooooh -- that means you'll share all the juicy details with us, right?

LOL. Yes, I'll share... not as exciting as you think ;-)