
Chimpanzees have been known to go to war against rival groups.

Most tribal societies war against neighboring tribal societies.

Government isn't the origin of war, limited resources and survival instinct are.

Chimpanzees have a kind of government... and the government has an interest in war.


Chimpanzees have a kind of government... and the government has an interest in war.
That's a bit of a reach, they have a "leader." Interestingly it was a female chimpanzee that led her "tribe" in a war killing the other tribes in the reason...

But A) This just underscores the impossibility of there being no "government." Groups will always have a leader, even when it's wild animals!
B) You claim "the chimpanzee government" had an interest in war, but what do you think that interest was? It's not like she was supporting a military industrial complex... so either it was personal or she felt it was necessary for her tribe's survival. So you'd need to show those reasons wouldn't come up in a "government free" society.

  1. Limited resources isn't nearly as much of an obstacle as it was, and it especially wouldn't be in a free society.

  2. Those tribal societies didn't have to up against networks of millions of consumer-accountable protection companies.

Fucking comment limits...

  1. No, you just think that because you (I'm assuming) live in a first world country which is sucking up all the resources from other places. There's a reason we constantly meddle in the Middle East for oil, and it isn't just a hard-on for war.

  2. So? That doesn't change the fact that war is endemic to human history and would continue with or without government. And consumer accountability? Jesus... ok, tell me how many people stopped buying iPhones when we found out the factory workers were committing suicide because conditions were so bad.

Oh, right... none.

There is no such fucking thing as consumer accountability unless the consumers themselves are directly negatively affected. If other people die then so what?

Moreover, any company doing anything wrong keeps that shit under wraps. Companies don't hold parades when they illegally dump chemicals in water supplies, they hire lawyers and marketers to make sure they look squeeky clean. You think a defense contractor won't have the cash to make it look like the competitor is causing the problems (regardless of whether or not they actually are?)

Capitalism is not magic, it doesn't change human nature... and human nature is to do anything that will give you an advantage.