The Stars That Danced

The Stars That Danced
May 1 st 1:00 A.M.
A most miraculous occurrence…
As I have often done at the close of the townships May Day festivities I took my evening meal at the site of the tumbled henge on my ancestral property. There is no better place in all of the county to view the night sky than atop this ancient hillock. To my surprise I was treated to the most marvelous event of astronomical phenomena that I have ever seen. Surely this was an aurora of extreme rarity for I do not remember recalling as such in any annals. The crisp, clean air had an electric hum about it as the darkening sky seemed to light afire. Awash in a spectacle of warmth, the greens and reds crashed against each other, the spectrum in full display, an ever shifting prism of the rainbow. The moon seemed as if to dance upon these shimmering waves accompanied by the most beautiful music I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. So in awe of this spectacle was I, that I do not remember the journey home and it is late of hour.
June 3rd 7:00 A.M.
The exuberant spirit in which I wake is held in utmost regard and can only be attributed to the most wondrous of dreams. I lay in bed buffeted by the most calming of lights, lights of all colors, swirling and dancing in the darkness. The soft whispers in my ear from an unseen source relaxed my every fiber as tranquility spread throughout my being.
June 5th 7:00 A.M.
I dreamed of the lights again. This time it felt as if they were more substance than not. I do not believe I was entirely asleep when they first appeared. I am almost sure of it. Despite the calming presence I found myself fearful of closing my eyes. Afraid of the unknown. When the soft breath of whispered song brushed against my mind the heaviness of sleep pressed upon me.
June 6th 5:00 A.M.
Symphonic and eerie. I awake, drenched in sweat. To much brandy? The families demon.
June 9th 9:00 P.M.
I went about yesterday's business despite the unshakeable feeling of being watched and followed. I spent the evening in my study pouring over journal entries of past years. After this search yielded no fruitful tidings I took to drink and volumes of myth and lore. The slumbering dread within me rising to the surface as the hour of sleep approached. Upon awaking this morning in my studies chair I find I have no recollection of the previous evening past a certain hour and an ineffable pounding in the head. This should come as no surprise when viewing the lowered volume in my decanter.
June 15th Morning
I have been ill at ease and of little use since the evening in my study. The trepidation I have been feeling has only continued to mount and with it an increase in my proclivity to drink. I have been in bed for entire days at a time as a sickly fever threatens to burn me up from the inside. The darkened circles under my eyes the only sign of my steadfast warding against what comes at night. If I do not let sleep claim me my strange visitations do not seem to manifest. However, twice this week I have suffered lapses. The following mornings my fugue state has been accompanied by an acerbated throat and lesions around my groin. I do not know what is happening to me but these corporeal manifestations upon my own body have done nothing to allay my fears. Surely this isn't madness.
June 19th
I feel defeated and humiliated. I awoke this morning, curled and unclothed, atop the ancient hillock, chapped lips buffeted by wind. Sore of muscle and shattered of mind. The shame I feel is not an after effect of my nakedness, no, it is caused by knowing that in my uncontrolled flight of terror from that place I have surrendered control.
End Journal
if possible I would like feed back from @calluna, @mctiller, @glenbrethsen etc....

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