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RE: Dostoevsky - Psychology of Sin

in #writing8 years ago (edited)


it's hard to find such authors with such a charge. I recommend you to read Kafka's Metamorphosis, some of Camus, or some philosophical treatise on Dostoevsky's work - those of Nikolaj Berdjaev , Shestov, Mikhail Bakhtin, will be useful to you. Dostoevsky's true counterpart is Nietzsche's philosophy, it also pierces like him. I thought of a great book you would like to read! It is Nabokov "Invitation to a Beheading" I recommend it to you.


I just finished Invitation to a Beheading. It was a little bit of a slog, but much more coherent than The Brothers Karamazov and I think I'll be thinking about what it was saying for a while. Thanks again for the suggestion!

thank you for the reply :)