the beauty of the mosque

in #writing6 months ago


Pase Panton Labu Mosque, North Aceh Pase Great Mosque, North Aceh is located in Pantonlabu Village, Tanah Jambo Aye District, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. This includes the area where I was born. The Great Pase Mosque is the Great Mosque of North Aceh Regency which is very beautiful and interesting. History of the Great Pase Mosque, North Aceh The Great Pase Mosque, North Aceh was first built in 1972. Since it was first built until now, the Great Pase Mosque has become the center of activity for the community, especially the pumpkin panton, especially for all Muslims. So it is not surprising that every Saturday night, the Great Pase Mosque, North Aceh will always be packed with hundreds or even thousands of Samadiyah congregants who gather and chant tahlil dhikr in congregation. This mosque is indeed used as a center of activity for the Al-Jamiatus Shamadiyah congregation, but apart from this mosque, there are at least 104 branches spread across 70 mosques and 34 prayer rooms throughout the province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. The Great Pase Mosque itself is also a symbol of the glory of the Pase Islamic kingdom. This mosque is also used as a symbol of the spread of Islam and the legitimacy of Islam in order to strengthen its existence and also strengthen the piety of the people. The Great Mosque of Pase in North Aceh was first established based on an idea owned by a community figure named Muhammad Ansari, or commonly known as Harun Mustache, in 1972. Before the construction of this mosque, in Pantonlabu City there was already a small prayer room built by the community in the 1950s, named Al-Jihad, with a semi-permanent construction. The Al-Jihad Mosque is located on the edge of Krueng Jambo Aye River, about 50 meters from Tanah Jambo Aye Police Station.