Prima Stories: #3 "Escape!" | Fiction

in #writing6 years ago

Last chapter here

"Escape !"

After Arya told me who I was and some important things about me we continued to talk a bit, mainly about myself as I wanted to know more about me and that I felt a connection between us and I asked her few things about her and the story of her life. She told me a lot of things and I kept everything in memory. She told me that she wasn’t born here in Krolis but in another city that she can’t really talk me about for the moment. There she spent most of her life and almost never went outside that city. When she grew up and became a woman, she met Merik, her future husband, they met at school and they didn’t really need to say to each other that they were interested in each other, telling me that Arya tried to express what love is but she told me that it is one of the most powerful feeling and something that no one was able to explain. Feelings are a bit complicated to me but I understand why, because there are things that someone else can’t teach you. Sometimes, someone else is able to put words on your thoughts but he can never know how do you feel from a situation. That’s why Arya didn’t want to add knowledges in my database about feelings, she wanted me too feel them and to live in order to understand what love, fear, sadness, sorrow and other feelings were by myself.

Then I asked Arya, where we will go then because I didn’t want to spend my whole life here in the lab. She told me that for the moment I have to stay there with her because I must understand few more things about how I have to react or do some things as they are things that you must experiment to understand well. She also told me that for the moment we will be only two and I won’t be able to talk to someone else because there is another person living with her, in her lab – which is in fact her house too – but that person is really busy with some personal stuff so I may not meet here before few days.

After that Arya show me the lab, and lead me through several room. Then we entered in the part of the building which seemed to be her house, everything was warmer and I understood that the place in which you live is really special comparing to other places you can live in. Your house is kind of a part of you. We went through a kitchen and Arya quickly told me that, contrary to a human being, I don’t have to eat. Then we entered a corridor. Arya told me that I don’t have to sleep but that it’s better for me to sleep because it helps my artificial neural network to organize the knowledges I gather since last time I “slept”. Then she invited me to go to a little room in which there were a bed and a desk. She told me that she was going to let me alone for the night since she is very tired and has a lot of work to do the day after. So, I just asked her a thing:

“How do I make in order to sleep?”

And she simply replied: “You just have to want it stronger enough”

She smiled and then closed the door of what is my bedroom now. I lay down on the bed and was wondering how I could sleep. It was something really new for me as a lot of things that happened today. I wanted to sleep because I didn’t really know what to do otherwise, but I didn’t know how to do it. I remembered what Arya told me, if you want to sleep stronger enough, then you will sleep. So, I tried to empty my mind, then I closed my eyes as I learned that human close their eyes in order to sleep. And I told myself, I want to sleep…

I woke up the day after. I don’t know how it was programmed to wake me up at the good time. But almost ten seconds after the moment when I woke up. Arya was opening my door in order to see if I were awake.

The days that came next were pretty boring, I was learning new things but I felt useless and like if I were just a piece of metal that Arya was examining in order to gather information for her own purpose. I wanted to live, not to be something that you study. I want to be someone. I had a few walks in the building of the laboratory and I was almost able to move in it without my eyes opened, knowing where was every single furniture or little step. I felt like a prisoner, pacing passively within the walls of his prison cell… I think that I wanted to escape this and to learn things about myself. I didn’t want Arya to teach me things. I feel intelligent enough to gather knowledges from the world. The night of the 4th day was the first night during which I didn’t sleep. I preferred to walk in the lab. And to ask me some questions… But something was making me unable to think well, an irresistible want to discover the world. I stood for almost an hour in front of the door overlooking the street of the city. Then I closed my eyes and I told myself:


I immediately opened the door.

I discovered the world.

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