in #writing7 years ago (edited)

If it has not arrived, it is because it is not yet the time, for a union of minds, union of purpose, union of souls... you have to grow if you want to give the best and find the best.

Si no ha llegado es porque aun no es el momento, para una unión de mentes, unión de propósito, unión de almas... hay que crecer si se quiere dar lo mejor y encontrar lo mejor.

I am I, you are you. I didn't come into this world to live up to your expectations. You didn't come into this world to live up to my expectations. I make my life, you make yours. If we agree, it'll be wonderful. Otherwise, there is nothing to do.
Yo soy yo, tú eres tú. Yo no vine a este mundo para vivir de acuerdo a tus expectativas. Tú no viniste a este mundo para vivir de acuerdo con mis expectativas. Yo hago mi vida, tú haces la tuya. Si coincidimos, será maravilloso. Si no, no hay nada que hacer”.

  • Psychoanalyst Fritz Perls.

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Wow, it is so deep.

Thank you very much!! You have a new follower.

Ok..... thanks.....

Excelente trabajo, buen post con este tema @entredos. Saludos ; )