My Pledge — And Why I Need Your Help!

in #writing8 years ago

Have you ever wanted to do ‘something’ but never gotten around to it? Things just kept getting in the way? And you kept using the excuse “I don’t have time” or “I’ll do it this year”? Are you still waiting to do that ‘something’? Be honest.

I know how you feel. There’s ‘something’ I’ve been meaning to do for a while now, too (more on that later). In fact, I bet most people have felt the same at some point. Does this mean that that ‘something’ isn’t important enough to you if you keep making excuses? Maybe, but not necessarily.

Think back to the things you have achieved. The ones that got completed. Why did they get done and your ‘something’ hasn’t?

The chances are that the things you did achieve happened because you were accountable to someone. Maybe the thing you did was for someone else. So you knew you had to do it because you didn’t let them down. Or maybe, you had something to do for college and you knew you’d fail if you didn’t do it. Or as I’m doing now, you’ve told people what you planned on doing, so you feel accountable to them, and feel like you have to deliver.

If you’re not accountable to someone, then that ‘something’ will never get done. It’s easy to make excuses and put it off when no one knows you want to do it. There’s no pressure placed on you to complete it. And there’s no consequence if you don’t.

So with all that said…

My Pledge

My pledge to you is: To write exactly one whole book!

That’s right, I’ve said it. I’m now being held accountable.

I’ve had a book inside me for years now, and I’ve never gotten around to it. Who else can relate to that? Up until now there has been no consequence for not completing it, and no accountability to spur me along to get it written.

My book is a non-fiction book, which I aim to have written by October 31st. With the aim of it being published sometime in late November.

Now I need your help

Time to get your nagging hat on. You now have permission to nag, harass and torment me to make sure I get this thing done. You can help me in two ways:

  1. You can send me reminders and ask on my progress at any time through whichever means you find convenient (email, Twitter, Facebook etc.). Keep me on my toes!
  2. If you sign up to my email list, you will get updates on my progress at least once a month. You will also — should you wish to do so — be able to see draft portions of my work and provide me with some feedback. If you decide to choose this option, I will ensure every one of you receive a FREE copy of my book when it is published, as my way of saying thank you.

Of course, if you really want to, you can choose both options. The main thing is that you’re helping me by making me accountable.

Are you as excited as I am? I hope so. Let’s do this!

You can sign up to my email list by visiting my website. I’m really looking forward to your feedback.

This post was first published on


Good goal, good post. I think its a pertinent reminder that we tend to regret the things we didnt do much more so than any we did do. Particularly with passion projects like writing a book, learning to play an instrument, or something akin to devoting more time to the family. I applaud you for publically declaring your goal and the accountability for it. My sincere wishes that you complete it and find success-whatever that means to you in the context of book 1.