Do we really fall in love just ONCE? This is what nobody will tell you about it

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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I think people should get rid of that basic prejudice that we only fell in love once, because they are putting into a straitjacket what we can feel. They are giving form to something that is abstract, even unexplored. Who is based on what to say such thing? It’s horrible how they want to limit us in such a silly way. I want to inform you that we are not "programmed" to fall in love once. It's right the opposite!

There are many ways to fall in love in life. There are so many things to fall in love with in life. People, moments, memories, illusions, music, animals, objects, utopias, literature, chance, probabilities, flavors, the moon, the stars ... Every single thing that catches us, wraps us around and makes us feel something, every time our heart beats fast, every time we are breatheless or speechless, every time we want something from the deepest, is a symptom that we are in love with it.

Why to say we only fall in love once in a lifetime? We are so stupid that without stopping to question this a little, we believe it, adopt it and inexplicably apply it to our life. We start going back to find indicators that tell us that particular moment in which we fell in love with a person. Or else, we get to the conclusion that it hasn’t happened to us yet. Stupid human innocence.


Stupid one who said this happens only once. Whenever we are with someone we are passionate about, we are in love. There are many intensities to feel love, and all those intensities means falling in love. We can have several partners in our life, we can love them all in different ways and intensities, but let me tell you something: we fall in love with them all.

We should not be afraid of that word. We should not suppress it and push it aside only because someone made us believe that it is something sacred and unique. There are people who fall in love after 5 minutes, or 15, or 30. Some take a few days, and I'm not lying. This doesn’t mean you are stupid, the thing is you are a human being full of tons of feelings that are removed and awakened by countless things.

Many fear falling inlove. Too many see it wrong. You admit that you fell in love with someone in a short time and then the hell goes into a full snowball war. “Absurd!”, "Nobody falls in love so fast", "No, you're not in love", "It must be something else", "Are you crazy?". Those are the answers you get when your heart speaks, and after listening to them, you question yourself. You question what you feel.


What causes them so much fear? Allow yourself to fall in love again and again in life. Fall in love with everything you can and deserve. Burn that prejudice that falling in love is a cosmic issue that happens every 75 years. It happens just because and when the circumstances wants it. Maybe some people fall in love only for seconds, minutes, days ... Any measure of time counts to be in love. But you were. The feeling existed within you and that is real. That is real people!!

Don’t be afraid to fall in love with someone fast, be afraid that that person is not making you fall in love fast enough. If we thought a little more like this, and less like that absurd way, we would begin to see things with more perspective and less complications.

Every time you hear someone criticizing another person for their "fast feelings," remind them that we are all in the shot. That love arrives like a thunderbolt, and when it comes it creates changes, causes havoc and many times it will cause us to swallow our words. Those square people, who want to incarcerate something that they cannot really even manipulate, must be taught that life is not to be taken by measures or to create stupid rules.


One day we will stumble with an eyes that will make us fall in love in seconds. Or maybe it's a smile, a hair, a face, a voice, a soul, a song, a landscape, a moment, a word, a melody, a flavor. Surely you will think, "Well, it is much easier to fall in love with something than someone" and I would say: Do not be afraid to feel. Push your limits, that's what they are there for.

Don’t cage your ability to feel, don’t suggest your instincts, don’t limit your heart. Show the world that you can fall in love many times, and in the end that is what will be worth. Sometimes it will hurt, other times it will break us or it may be as ephemeral as the time that a song lasts, but there is nothing to fear. I promise.

Falling in love is an everyday thing.


beautifully written and very true