Quote of the Day!- Fork

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


There is a moment in every war where everything changes, a moment when the road bends. Alliances in battle lines shift, and the rules of engagement are rewritten.
So also is the case on Steemit, what do you do when you get to the fork in the road? Do you become a monster towing the Satan's path or a fairy, towing the Saint's path?

Believe it or not, alliances and allegiances are important in every aspect of life and Steemit is no exception. You must choose a path.

Saint's or Satan's?

Moments like these can change the nature of the battle, and turn the tide for either side; and when this time comes, we do what we can to understand them... and that is, to be ready for whatever.

Being ready for whatever means being ready for change, and when we do get ready for this change, we steady our hearts, curb our fears, muster our forces and look for signs in the stars.
But in these moments, these games changes remain a mystery; like destiny’s invincible hand moving pieces on a chess board.

No matter how we prepare for them, no matter how much we resist the change, anticipate the moment, fight the inevitable outcome, in the end, we are never truly ready when we strike.

Life as it is never actually gives you the chance to be ready, it never will.

Search me, I don’t get it either and speaking the truth, I am still waiting to get to the root of how and why things work this way.

Get ready to make a timely decision when you happen on the fork in the road in your Steemit/Cryptocurrency journey. The tides change too quickly in a decentralized world and no one has the keys to turn it off, it just happens.

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Keep blazing the trail and flow with the best forks. Change is inevitable. Peace

What a thoughtful piece. It's just the way life is wired. It has always been duality and it will always be duality. it's just this type of planet.


I'm already in!

Stach is a success!

You nailed it right there ! Life is such a daring adventure but quite unfortunately, unexpected things do happen. It's all showing us that we've got to prepare for everything that comes our way.
I wish everyone good luck on this journey called life.

It's either you are well-forked, or you are being forked-up, either ways there must be a fork. I hope we all choose a path.

I was about to choose the Satan's way right now but this piece just changed that. Thank you

Nice one!

Change is the only constant thing. The most important thing is to follow that little voice in you.

Downright amazing Sir.. Forks do happen, and we should be prepared to make a timely decision, because life... life doesn't always afford the time to really think things through...

True talk...Nice quote... upvoted pls check out my new post. Thanks

This is so true!