Improve your Writing (Thesis Development)

in #writing8 years ago

When I first heard this word I thought of something like a virus or fungus, or something really creepy and nasty. Then I saw Thesis Development, I thought we were going to have like these awesome lab coats on with a big glass jar, growing and developing some awesome organism. Oh how English can crush your dreams and those strange thoughts.

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So what is a thesis? It is what your whole paper is focused on. Anything you write should be to strengthen your thesis, any quotes or evidence you put in your writing supports this main point or idea. A thesis is important as it shows your argument or your main focus of the paper you are writing.

A thesis is not stating facts, you should be using facts to make your thesis statement true. Keep the thesis straight to the point, do not be vague or broad. Your thesis statement should always be stated equally (not biased). Yes you have to choose a side but be fair to both sides and use facts to state why you believe in the one side more than the other, if you are writing and augmentative paper.

How do I get a thesis? Choosing a Topic

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There are 4 basic questions you should ask yourself when choosing a topic:

  • What do you care about?
  • What frustrates me?
  • What misinformation do you want to correct or information you want to give?
  • What problem needs to be solved?

Drafting a Thesis Statement

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Pick a side, no one likes a fence sitter, so make sure the reader knows exactly where you stand. Remember that the thesis statement covers the main points you will be using in your writing.

Writing the Thesis Statement

When writing up your thesis, this should come at the end of your introduction and have all the main points in it as well as a clear indication on where you going with the topic.

Supporting a Thesis Statement

Finding quotes, articles and other sources is a great way to have a valid creditable support for your thesis statement and topic of the paper. If you don't use this make sure that your point is well met, with examples or some personal experiences.

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*Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day. *


Another Awesome article :)

Very informative post. Especially for university/college students

You could even apply these things in a cv for a job

Thanks for posting, it´ s very informative. I´m not the person of words more the one who takes and shares photos, i can lern a lot so i follow you ;-)

Well pictures do tell a thousand words :)

I guess your right but sometimes its not so easy to understand, you have to see it......

This is very sustainable great article :)

Nicely done article and it gives very valid points to think about. Will be following and resteeming along with seeing how I can apply this to my own posts. Thank you. :-)

Pleasure I am glad you will be using it to help you out.

Really appreciable article. Good one. Keep posting more. Thanks for sharing.

Great post...I am taking dose of writing capsule from you every day in free..Thank you steemit & you...Upvoted & restemeed

Thank you, glad I found your blog. This is the first post I have read. I'm sure there is much valuable information here. Yes. In opening a discussion people will come face to face with their own views, one side or the other. I find it good practice to remain detached one way or the other while still taking a side. If the reader can sense that I am not trying to convince anyone that "I am right" and everyone else is wrong but rather that every opinion and viewpoint is valid, that allows people to explore their own understanding of the topic and be respectful of opposing views. Otherwise it can deteriorate very quickly into a "fist fight" mental response.


I have to agree with this, and yes "fist fights" in writing is never a good thing, unless you are a lawyer or in a debate. But in any other writing, addressing both sides shows your understanding and respect for the topic.

Thanks.. it always worth reading this post

Thanks. I think it really helped me. I hope to have a better tip in the future!