Inspiration for the week

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I had a thought. The thought being; what will be my motivation this week, what is going to excite me to do new things, what would I like to accomplish this week?

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Every Monday I will share with you something that has inspired me, my thoughts and any images, stories or experiences.

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So today I did a bit of reflecting, it was a horrible idea. Each thought just made me even more depressed, made me want to slit my wrists. I would call these regrets, probably the biggest regrets I have. But...

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So a little back story to what these regrets are: I took roughly 12 BTC and sold it on the market last year. The price at that stage was R7000-R9000 about $700-$800. Yeah I think you would also shoot yourself in the foot if you did this... I am not even going to work out the loss... All I know is it is big really big.

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Everything happens for a reason, life moves on and presents new opportunities. The only way to keep moving forward and find these opportunities, is to move on and not let the regret of the past blind you from your future.



Love this brother. Nicely put together post.

I like that last quote.

Trust that everything happens for a reason, even when you're not wise enough to see it.
-Oprah Winfrey-

That's powerful stuff.

True that man!! Everything happens for a reason hey!! As far as BTC goes - I believe in holding - for the loooooong run anways

I am holding as well, I have lost with mining fake companies in the past , so I just want to hold now.

But now how long is the long run?

10 years plus bro... 😎

All your quotes are really meaningful and true.......its true we should never look back and keep walking ahead.

Hi @dragonslayer.

What did you learn from selling the Bitcoin?

I sold some shares that I'd been holding for many years a few years ago as I no longer wanted any association with the company. Although the share price has gone up considerably, I never look back with regret on the decision I made as I know it was the best one at the time and it allowed me freedom to invest in some education and self development.

Looking forward to seeing your #InspirationMonday posts :)

Thanks for the inspiration! I feel like we all needed this :)

How did you feel making this post?

Ready to move on without looking back.

Now, keep all Steem intact in your account. They will also shoot after a year or two! And it happens, may be, it was a best decision to sell BTC at that time but again, people still have a chance to make some good bucks from Crypto world!

I believed to start your life each day are;

  1. You need to be thankful and grateful with God why? Because He allowed you to wake up each morning. But each day we have encountered problems or trials that sometimes we want to give up. But God promise that He will not allow us to give in or tempted based on or above the ability and power to enable us to face every challenges in life. There is sayings if you have nothing anymore and you are on the rock bottom and you lift your are eyes above because God he has always give us something for us to recover and go on with our life.

  2. Of course not only to give thanks and being grateful to God. But we need to relate or talk to Him in prayer. So that each morning we can share to God what's in our heart and what's going to our life so that God will guide us. But sometimes people are rich already and they have a lot of money and they don't need God in their life but remember not everything will be bought by money. Money can't buy joy, peach of mind, health, relationship and most of all eternal life. Sometimes we people we forgot to pray to the Provider of blessings but we focus always on the blessings. We always focus on the problems how big our mountains are and how we will cross and overcome the problems. The Bible says Psalm 30:5 (New Living Translation)
    For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
    but we forget who made the mountain and God is bigger than our mountains and problems. I believed that we need to pray to get guidance from God and wisdom on how to do in our life and most especially Prayer is to develop our communications and relationship to God which everyone misses it.

  3. We people forgot what God has done in our life. The Bibles says that everyone committed sins and no one qualified to go to heaven but thank God He sent His rescue for us. The Bible says while we were still sinners God send His Son Jesus to ransom us from eternal destruction in Hell. He died on the Cross to pay the penalty of our sins and by believing in our heart or by believing by Faith that Jesus is our Savior we received salvation and that is the Eternal Life that God promises to all believers when we believed Jesus as our Savior.

  4. I think each morning every time we wake up God is giving us a new assignment and mission to impact others by sharing the Good News or Word of God and Jesus Christ to everyone that they might received salvation before we will die.

  5. And lastly we need to ready Bible or the Word of God daily. So that we can understand and have solid faith in our life. By reading we increase our knowledge of Truth and we increase our faith. If we have faith no one can stop to reach our dreams and impact people to change their lives. Reading the Bible we become Wise and It's not true that if you are a graduate of Summa Cumlaude or Validictorian you become Wiseman it's not true but reading of the Word of God or the Bible you become Wise. But the real meaning of being Wise is found in the Book of Proverbs: "He that winneth souls is wise." -- Proverbs 11:30. I hope everyone will bring others to Jesus Christ and encourage others to serve the Lord as a Noble calling. And please don't forget to re-esteem and up vote or comments below and follow me! Thank and God bless you all. - Ptr. Rolly Custodio

Worthy of an upvote, very will put.

Good post and it made me think. Here is what I have to say.

I lead a life of no regrets. The reason being that I never look back. If you look back you will find something to regret and that will demotivated you.

The trick is to move on fast from reverses and only remember the lessons from the past. Look forward to the new day and the new week on Monday and imagine how successful you will be at the end of the week.

This way you will always be inspired and look forward to each new day in your life.

Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success.Great post thinking about what i post on this week ;)
Happy Monday 😉


there are no regrets in life just lessons!

Thank you for refueling my heart ❤