Benefits of Handwriting: Improving the quality and creativity of any content.

in #writing8 years ago

For many years, I have been looking for the ideal scenario to write my memories, ideas, plans, studies and projects. With this experience, I have found that a combination of technology and the traditional way of writing is the ideal recipe.
So I have tried many techniques, some seem to be wonderful at first but then they become to complicaded, and others at the beginning are difficult but in time they bring many benefits, thats the case with handwriting.

That is why I would like to share with you what I have learned.

Benefits of Handwriting

1. Improve or creativity

When I write by hand, new ideas come up in a fluid way, almost like a dance between the concepts and the pen, in other words, between the creative side of the brain and the basic motor skills. In one article I read that the brain slows down when writing by hand. Although I do not know much about neuroscience, I am sure that the brain does not modulate the speed of thoughts. According to my experience, I can say when we do handwriting, different concepts are branching out, and different alternatives of our ideas arise. All this happens rather quickly, since we can not write at the same speed as we think. This condition gives us the opportunity to continue exploring the different ramifications of the idea, while we are still writing, without losing the line of thought.

2. We improve our spelling and writing

When writing by hand we do not have an automatic spelling checker aka autocorrect, there for it is more difficult to errase and change what we have written. This help us to be more careful and be more aware of what we are writing and the way we express our ideas.

3. Improve learning capacity

When studying any type of material, if we then summarize or synthesize it, reformulating it forces us to better understand the content, and we can hold it longer in our mind.

4. We exercise our mind

We can habituate our brain to write better. Neuroplasticity of the brain plays a determining role in this regard. If we train our mind to think in an orderly way, it gets more efficient in this process.
While using a computer and a keyboard it is much easier to change the order of ideas than to do it with pen and paper. When we write by hand more and more, we become familiar with employing a thoughtful and systematic line of thought.

5. It is inspiring

Having a space to be able to dedicate ourselves to writing alone, free of distractions from emails, messages and the Internet in general, allows our creative side and our inspiration to arise easily.


For me starting a project with a manuscript is one of the most effective strategies for achieving a creative, agile and practical process. You could try it and see it works also for you.

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