
Thank you for the kind words. I don't know about miles ahead. I've simply slogged my way forward.
The funny thing is that I feel like im' miles behind even shitty writers on KU. They claim they're making gobs of money but all the "top" erotica on KU sucks. Like, is bad. I hate reading it; good for some scenarios, but full of trite banal stereotypes that don't stimulate or interest me at all.

So i feel way behind them!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm sure there will be free, affordable, and high quality stuff from me in the future. I like the KU idea, and want to have a following on my website as well.

I have posted a few of my stories on here but they were met with hollow echoes and empty replies. and that's ok, I am aware of how many people are on this platform and how a post can be lost in the moment to other more well-known writers. So I will keep on writing because it will only ensure more practice and better stories.

I have read a few unknown authors on KU and, yeah, some of them are stinkers. I try to remember the even the greats (Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, insert your favorite author here) have had more rejects and bad writing then you have yet to write. and they all ended up finding their voice and making an impact in the world, and they all, at one point, thought that their writing sucked. So who do you like to read?