Author Adventures
Hey Steemers,
I have come to adore writing and contributing to this blogosphere. I wake early each morning, eager to spill thoughts onto virtual pages. It has become the stuff of love affairs- so engrained into my bones that I feel off without it. Because of this, I have decided to compile a book. It will be a book of edited blog posts, a collection of crafted journal entries. The piece that follows is my introduction to said book, which I will self publish in an attempt to disrupt the current dialogue about self- love and mental wellbeing. I hope you enjoy! I am happy to take any constructive criticism or words of advice you have to offer.

Book Introduction:
Every book is a universe, and this is mine. It covers my cornerstones: health, self- love, and a dash of sass- mastery. It contains stories, explorations, and a bit of yelling (because let's be honest, this world could stand to change). Its title, Petrichor, describes the smell of the earth after a rainstorm. This is the smell of refreshing clarity, of new insight. The rhetoric of this book is intended to evoke the same. I have shared my tales with hopes of changing the dialogue about some of the challenges of the human experience.
@danigirl intresting story