Runako:A Short Story {Part 6}

in #writing7 years ago

Please bear with me followers.. I travel a lot to un-wifi-ed areas. But here's the next part...Keep tuned in!
6.When the day came, I was as apprehensive as ever. None of the elders had made a move and I supposed they would do so today. The day went by uneventfully, with the occasional kitchen crisis. At dusk, I was dressed by Chinoera and the elderly women of the house as per tradition.
I walked out surrounded by the maidens of the palace accompanied by the loud sound of drums as well as ululations and dancing. There was a big fire at the centre of the gathering. All the royals were sitted around it and at the head of the circle was the greatest healer in the land who would crown me as well as carry out the marriage ritual..
The Prince was standing next to him. I began shaking, a cold breeze fluttered around my ankles. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to faint. This night would reveal my fate. I made my way to the head of the circle and stood beside the Prince.
“We shall begin”, said the Healer.
“Musikavanhu, Deity of all. Eternal One..I present to you, your daughter of the rain, one of the Mothers and keepers of life as her ancestors have taught her.She seeks to be crowned into her destiny today as well as be joined to a companion, one of royal blood. If this thing be pleasing to you Creator. Show us a sign!..and may this union make fruit abound from her womb to carry on her legacy."
He poured some oil and herbs on our heads and joined hands. There was song and ululation as we went on to slaughter a goat and pour its blood on what would be a fire if Musikavanhu consented. It was just in front of the healer.
All this while I kept my eye on the elders, and maybe I expected some lunatic to come running at me with a spear, but none did.
The sign came, as lightning struck the very spot where the blood had been poured and the fire came to life. I wondered if any still questioned my right to the throne.
The gathering bowed. It was just amazing how the healer didn’t even flinch though the bolt hit just a few meters from him!
The Prince and I stood and were presented before the people. There was a great shouting and the elders gave their congratulations. It seemed odd that they had let the ceremony go through. Or maybe they began to doubt because though I was now queen, that bolt had shaken me up too. The ceremony had gone well without a hitch, but there was still another snag. I had married a prince hence I still had to honour his people and his customs as well. His culture demanded I be presented before his council of elders and his people that very night. They would welcome me as their queen. Granted our marriage was a bit out of convention, as my rule on the throne would not allow him to rule his kingdom. But the elders had been willing to concede to that, seeing as they would be in charge most of the time.
His kingdom was nought but a few hours away therefore we would get there well before midnight. Chinoera was to stay and oversee the kingdom until I returned later the next day.
‘Maybe I shouldn’t go,’ I said to Chinoera, “The Prince would understand. I’m not sure I want to leave you alone with those old crocodiles.”
'Don’t worry my child, I am well capable of taking care of myself. Plus I’m hardly any use for them now that you are queen.'
'Be safe Amai,I don’t know what I would do without you.'
We said our goodbyes as she packed my overnight sack. I would see to the troubles of the kingdom as soon as I got back, but for now I indulged in a bit of marital bliss. Who would have thought a rain queen could marry for love and marry royalty at that. Indeed I had killed two birds with one stone.
We travelled with the Prince's royal guard...and his people started hailing from as afar off as the border to his kingdom. They had been awaiting our arrival.
They took us through the city with dancing and singing to the entrance of the fortress, the home of the royals.
It was rock as was my kraal, with the biggest doors I’d ever seen. The elders were at the gate, and as soon as we reached them, they summoned the soothsayer. He stepped forward, with a cane which we were to jump over- an ancient tradition. If the bride tripped, then she was not worthy to be a bride, if she successfully jumped, she was welcome into the family. This particular cane was from the royal archives, carved into it were tiny little writings which I supposed had also been charmed. It gave me the creeps, and I was uneasy because if I failed to jump I would be labelled unworthy, let alone unclean.
The Prince took my hand and smiled as if he trusted me with his life. We jumped the cane and I held my breath for a fraction of a second. But the ululations and cheers of the people told me that it was done. We entered the compound of the fortress. I was exhausted from the day I had had but I had to pay my respects at a feast that had been made in honour of the Prince and his bride.
We showed our faces for a couple of hours. The people presented their gifts and the elders made us drink some oddly bitter beer to welcome the bride. The Prince rose and gave a speech of gratitude to his people and after a bit we were excused.
The inside of the fortress was even more spacious and extravagantly decorated, though the heads and skins of wild animals on the walls did nothing for me. We were led to a room that I later found out was the Prince’s. It was my wedding night, and as any bride I was supposed to fulfil my duty as a wife as well as show all that I had come as a virgin. I felt queasy and out of breath, because in practicality this was not one of the things they could show you how to practise. I had to figure it out for myself.
The Prince came in after me.
“I understand you are tired. There is no need to go through this today.”
Wasn’t he just the honourable type. He had been kind and loving even under difficult circumstances and I was unwilling to let him down simply because I had a kingdom that was nearly at war. Maybe this was why Rain Queens never married for love. It all became a choice, either the kingdom or the companion one had chosen. Had this only been a marriage of convenience so that I could bear children with royal blood it would not be this hard. I rubbed my forehead, a storm of a headache was coming. Just freaking great.
“What is it, my dear? You don’t look well,” The Prince frowned.
I started to answer but there was a knock on the door. Very odd, no one was allowed to disturb us till morning. The Prince would have someone’s head on a platter.
A guard whispered to the Prince. I was very curious now.
He turned to look at me, “A messenger from your kingdom is here. He says its urgent, a matter of life and death.”
I ran out of the room...