Everything is transient, what was yesterday may not be today

in #writing7 years ago

"Nothing is fixed or permanent ... The things that we acquire and lose, change ... Life is this, this transience. Everything is transient, what was yesterday may not be today. How's it going to be? Nothing repeats itself, everything happens only once. You can repeat the moment today, in the same clothes, just the same, but the moment is unique, it will never be repeated. Everything in life happens only once, but we do not appreciate it, we complain ... "

I was here feeling a longing, of those sick to feel. Of those longings that make us rethink life, rethink our attitudes, consider whether we should have gone here or there. Those longings that drive us back.

So  I went to get a distraction that was not to listen to a song that would  worsen my state of mind and I came across the words above, in a video  that I decided to listen to ... This enlightened person who is Monja  Coen (I recommend you listen to her), me Did absorb these words, in the best style "was what I needed to hear".

We really miss it. I've already digressed about it again, saying that longing is a sign of a well-lived moment. But it's life, has not I forgotten my own convictions?

We miss ... And maybe there are stages in our lives that should be ... Saudade. Even if it's those sick of feeling.

But it is not to write penalized, about the saudade, that I passed here. In  fact the words of the Monk made me realize that many times we lose time  embittering the nostalgia, and we stop valuing the moment. "We do not appreciate it, we complain ...". And as we complain! And the moment does not come back. Even if we can relive that good moment that I missed, that particular moment does not come back.

One day my mother made a dinner that I will never forget. It was simple food, but by the context, it had a special flavor. She  was so happy with my gratitude for that meal that I tried to repeat the  dish several times, but it never tasted the same, although it was very  good at all other times. I drank it with gusto that day, I enjoyed the moment.

And we miss it. And why not feel this longing without hurting the chest?

Why do we turn love into pain? Why do we put a grudge in feelings that, so good, left this longing? Because otherwise, if the past moment was bad, we would feel angry. But do you miss it ... Why not remember it by enjoying the moment?

"Nothing repeats itself, everything happens only once." Even if we can do it again, and again, and again ... Each day will have been unique.

Then  I allowed myself to miss ... I relived those good, beautiful moments, I  heard a voice echoing here in my mind making me reflect "do you see how  good life is?". I replayed the sunset, reaffirmed certainties inside my chest, and created damaging uncertainties.

If  every moment is unique, if everything in life happens only once and if  it was good, to the point of missing each letter of music, the details  of life, the perfume, why not miss? Why not live this longing?

Because you missed it ... It was good. Otherwise we would feel angry. But if we miss it, why not feel it? And to know that life is as Monk Coen said, this transience. What was yesterday is no longer today.

But how good to have experienced it. It's so good to be able to remember and miss you.