De(e)pression [poem]

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

When you plumb the depths of what you hate
The parts of you that you dismiss or keep under wraps
and desperately wish away,
you will find that which I am.
You know, the parts that you kill off
with therapy and medication.
I know you have them,
we all do. Thing is, you’re ashamed of yours
and I embrace mine.
I am the art in the darkest corner of the room
The piece that everyone avoids because
they don’t understand it
and it doesn’t sit right with them and
there’s something “off” about it.
The piece that makes you say,
“why would someone make that?”
“I don’t get it.”
“How is that even ‘art’?”
I am the excess of emotion
but not the good kind.
I’m the kind that makes them give you pills.
The kind you try to silence by drinking too much,
by fucking someone after someone else,
or by smoking a chain,
Link by link,
in an attempt to forget.
I am the symptom to your allopathic.
I am flaw personified;
the embodiment of “not quite.”
I am the bottle at the end of the night
Good or bad, fucked if I care:
empty just the same.
Don’t forget to shatter me
(you know, for the thrill).

I wrote this a few years ago when I was in school and in a bit of a slump (all good now :D ). Much of it, I think, is relatable. Some of these lines were turned into lyrics that I used in a band I was in at the time.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

If you're feeling depressed, don't be afraid to reach out to someone.


It's always good to vent and let it out. Writing has its magic! Stay strong, and keep on writing!