RE: Training the Modern Slave- Part 1: Money Magic
Ah - Finally!
Sho, you dug quite deep into the money control topic, and I fully agree with you, the one thing that I would like to ad onto this is that I do not believe that this is linked to just the USD.
This is a South-African R50 Note, beautiful isn't it?

But at the end of the day my pretty pictures implies exactly the same as yours, just as an example - lets look at the animals - now every denomination has a picture of a different type of animal on it, and yet when you peer into the majority of the cultures in Africa, you will notice that Animals have always been a sign of abundance as well as a blessing directly from their higher entity (shortened version) what it comes down to, is that It holds the same meaning as your pyramid.
But oh-oh, what about the cultural shift that happened in 1995, when the apartheid ban was lifted and the youth had the freedom to break away from their indoctrinated cultures and beliefs - for them, animals no longer carries that same symbolism to link the connection... well they catered for them too by putting a symbol of empowerment that they can directly associate with on the flip-side, and what better sign of empowerment could they have chosen than the face of the man who lifted them from oppression.
I am going to stop there, because these rabbit holes tend to run deep, and I will be sitting here typing till next week Tuesday if I have to type it all out LOL
Brilliant Post!!
That is interesting, they use the same formula for the talisman, a face, or some image that seems to give it's power to the bearer of the object. Good eye, catching that subliminal messaging, I think this topic will start appearing more as time goes on, and as money weakens further.
Yes indeed, and I am glad that people are opening up to this, it is about time that people start controlling their own lives in stead of solely depending on these lovely little government "I.O.U's"