It Died When I Sat Down At My Desk But When I Began to Write
I dont know if you have ever been in a place where what to write suddenly flies away.
Yes thats the mood I am in right now.
My brain seems to have taken a snap. What to write seems to have fizzled away. It
But write I need to .
You see writing can be so powerful, In fact wars have beeen won through the power of the written word. I can remember like yesterday the power of the written word when I read John Caples famous ad.
They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano But When I Started to Play
Here it is - if you had never come across it.
"Arthur had just played "The Rosary.' The room rang with applause. I decided that this would be a dramatic moment for me to make my debut.
To the amazement of all my friends I strode confidently over the piano....
What do you think of his execution?" called a voice from the rear..... and the crowd rocked with laughter.
THen I started to Play
Instantly a tense silence fell on the guest. The laughter died on their lips as if by magic. I played through the first bars of Liszt's immortal Liebestraume... I heard gasp of amazement. My friends sat breathless---spell bound."
As I imagined the scene - the beauty of the audience. -the lines that smirk the corner of their faces -the gasp of unbelief -the chain of laughter disappearing from the round, oval and square faces -I knew mine will soon disappear -and yes it has as what to write about has embraced me -firmly, burning brighter and soon enough you will see it.
This I will put down in my next post. So before going I love to ask: "how do you overcome writing block?
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