Batman - Legacies (A Comic Book Script) PART 2
Here’s part two my script for ‘Batman - Legacies’, a fan fiction comic book that is the Batman vs Joker 'endgame’, their final confrontation after nearly 30 years of being adversaries.

*None of the artwork below (except for the title image) belongs to me...
A wide shot showing the kidnapped kids in detail for the first time, blindfolded and tied to the steel girders where the pipe bombs have been planted. Some are unconscious, some in tears, while others appear to be calling out. Each child ranges from the age of 8 – 10, and there seem to be as many girls as there are boys. Joker seems to have chosen children from various races, as although most are white, there are 2 black boys and an Hispanic girl – possibly randomly selected. They all appear to be dressed in the same orange t-shirt with a roughly sprayed on black Batman symbol on the chest of each one.
JOKER - A game? Oh, it’s not a game.
I’ve never been that fond of games.
This is simply a contingency plan to ensure the longevity of my legacy.
A small flash of Batman’s face, his mouth sneering in rage and disgust. This small panel sits in the top corner of the next.
BATMAN - Legacy?!
Another wide shot of Joker, who is now on the ground, pacing the surface of the swimming pool, looking down at his feet. His smile is gone and a much more somber look is on his face.
JOKER - That’s right, my legacy – one with a solid foundation.
The only legacy that truly lasts forever is one built upon hatred.
You know that, don't you Bruce?
Another small panel, this one in the opposite top corner of the next. Batman’s face is in exactly the same position but his sneer is gone. His mouth is open slightly in shock and confusion. Joker shouldn’t know his name.
Joker is perched on the edge of the pool like a bird. His hands touch the surface of the ground as he leans over, his head on the end of an almost too long neck. Batman looks up from the deep end, Joker several feet above him and just out of his reach. The Clown is taunting Batman.
This panel takes up ¼ of the page (as the rest of the 3 main wide panels have – save for the flashes of close-up). This is Batman’s POV, looking up at the demented face of the Joker, who remains perched on the edge of the pool.
JOKER - That’s right, Bruce.
Come on, give me some credit. I’ve known from the get-go.

This panel is the reverse of the last one, now showing Joker’s POV as he talks down to Batman. The Dark Knight stares up, looking like a child, listening intently to every word. He knows that this confrontation with Joker is unlike any they have had in the past. He is in disbelief that Joker has known his true identity, Bruce Wayne, for more than 30 years (or is at least claiming to).
JOKER - Bruce, the only reason you remember the name Joe Chill is because you hate him with every inch of your blackened soul.
He took your parents away from you and turned you into this… This monster.
JOKER - I'm sick. I'm tired. I've had my fill - it's all gone on far too long.
You never thought I'd say that, did you?
Neither did I.
A closer look at Joker, his head and shoulders visible in this shot. His face is serious, brow furrowed and mouth almost downturned, although not frowning. He almost looks – normal.
JOKER - My legacy will outlive yours, Bruce.
By centuries - millennia, even.
I am more than a symbol, more than a reign of fear and terror.
Joker has taken a revolver out from a holster, previously hidden by hit coat. He is looking down at it but keeping it close to his body, almost as if it’s an old friend. The barrel of the gun points directly up into Joker’s face.
JOKER - I am that low sink in your stomach that keeps you awake at night.
I am the tears you shed when you're cold and alone that nobody knows about –
Another Joker POV shot, this time looking down at his open gloved hand, six bullets gathered in the centre of it.
JOKER - Not Alfred, not Dick, not Barbara, not Clark –
Nobody but me.
A close-up of Joker’s fingers, gripping a single bullet and sliding it into the chamber of the revolver. The hands of a seasoned professional.
JOKER - I am the same to you as Joe Chill once was and still is. The unnerving and the unknown.
Part of you probably wishes I was him.
This shot is from just above Joker’s head, looking directly down over his should at the revolver is his hand. The weapon remains snapped open and it is clear that all 6 bullets have been placed in the chamber of the gun.
JOKER - Gotham will hate me and in turn, Gotham will remember me.

An over the shoulder of Batman shot, showing Joker, now standing up straight, beyond the top of Batman’s head.
BATMAN - You’re a psychopath, Joker.
And psychopaths are forgettable.
Your vanity has always been your undoing.
A detailed wide angle, from above but not a birds-eye view. The entire scene, including the kids in the corner of the empty pool and the Batman/Joker confrontation at the edge, just next to the diving board, is all visible.
JOKER - Come on, Bruce. You’re not talking me down from this one.
All you’ve gotta do is break that one and only rule.
Well, the rule you at least claim to uphold.
A closer shot of Joker from the side. He has brought the revolver up from his side to near his face. The barrel is an inch or so from the tip of his nose.
JOKER - It shouldn’t be too hard, you’ve already killed others indirectly.
An image of a prisoner hanging by his neck in an Arkham Asylum cell, his loose limbs visible through the bars.
JOKER - Dozens of Arkham inmates strung up like racks of meat, preferring to hang themselves in their cells than face you again.
PANEL FIVE An image of Harvey Dent, or Two-Face as he is also known, dead on a slab in the Gotham City Morgue, his terribly scarred face grey and cold.
JOKER - Dent smoked himself into an early grave because of the stress you caused him –
Schizophrenia can be hard at the best of times but you gave him that extra little nudge towards lung cancer.
An image of a police crime scene set up around a body on the street, an umbrella on the ground a few feet away from a dark shape of spilled blood. Officers stand around looking down at the corpse, crime scene taped blows in the wind.
JOKER - Cobblepot fell from a third floor balcony and popped like a water balloon on the street below.
Authorities called it an accident but I know your methods.
That was the first time I knew you were getting sloppy –
Joker fires off a round with a ‘BLAM!’ at Batman as he dives to his side, out of the way of the trajectory of the bullet.
JOKER - Losing your touch!

Joker has his arms stretched out at either side of him in a Christ-like pose. The revolver is smoking from the shot fired. He is smiling again.
JOKER - And let’s not forget Dr. Crane succumbing to his injuries and dying from internal bleeding after the beating you and your Boy Wonder gave him.
An image of Jonathan Crane, also known as The Scarecrow, lying beaten and bruised in a hospital bed with a bandage on his head and tubes coming out from his nose. This panel is from the exact same angle as the Harvey Dent image on the previous page.
JOKER - There was never an inquest but I know you enjoyed it – he was raping and slitting women’s throats after all.
Joker fires off another round at Batman, who now dives out of the way in the opposite direction to what he had before. Joker appears to be concentrating intently as he pulls the trigger, seeming to be wanting to hit The Dark Knight.
Batman lands on the hard ground with a ‘KRKKK’, his shoulder buckling under his weight – another injury to add to his ribs and back. His mouth is open in obvious pain.
PANEL FIVE A close shot of Batman’s face, looking up from the ground at Joker – despondent. His jaw is jutting out as he yells.
BATMAN - Enough!
A shot from the side of Joker, who is laughing while looking down at Batman.
I love it when I hit a nerve.
An extreme close up of Joker’s scarred mouth. It is mostly closed, his yellowing teeth just about visible.
JOKER - You’re so serious.
Batman is again struggling to his feet, now looking away from the Joker and over towards the direction of the children in the corner of the empty pool.
BATMAN - You’re done, Joker.
PANEL NINE A shot of Joker from the opposite side (in occurrence to panel six). The smile has gone from his face and is again looking solemn.
Not done.
Not yet.

To be continued... Check back soon for part three!
Ben Errington
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Cool, huh?!
I have set op a comics channel in steem chat so I will put this there, great images.
Thank you!