Write it Like They'll Steal it! Day 25 of The Total Writer Transformation

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. What can be more flattering than seeing something you wrote repeated all over the internet?
Imagine: your sentence typed on memes and beautiful images, repeated in classrooms and book clubs, shared and liked by all who come across the meaningful quote...
The quote that you wrote.
A quote is simply a sentence that resonates with people. It might be humorous, shocking, clever, profound, or romantic. It might tell a truth that not many voice out loud, or it may pull at the heartstrings.
Quotes can be inspirational or just plain fun. They can provoke conversation and deep thought or teach a subject. Quotes help fill in the vows at the altar and can even help in the proposal itself.
A quote can be any of these things and more, but what it always has is simplicity and meaning.
Keep it in the back of your mind that any thing you write and publish online or in print might one day be quoted, with you as the author.

With that being said, remember that the web never forgets. Anything you type or post online, even if you delete it later, is always there. The internet is a lot like Vegas- what you do online stays online ;)
Today's Challenge
You are important! You're a bright shiny star and even if you only have one person read your work ever- you've left your starshine on that individual. You changed their life because they read your words. You left an imprint even if they aren't consciously aware and you never hear from that person.
Write as if you'll be quoted. Because one day you will be!
It's Friday, let's have a little fun :)
Write an original quoteworthy sentence and share it with the community in the comments!

Images via Pexels and Unsplash

Be a Better Writer in Just One Month! Join the 31 Day Writing Challenge to transform your writing and your life!
Day 1 The Truth About Making Time For Writing
Day 2 How to Incorporate Ideas From Life in Your Writing
Day 3 Master the Art of Captivating Your Readers
Day 4 Banishing Distractions
Day 5 Get Your Writing Noticed!
Day 6 The Importance of Morning Pages
Day 7 Why You Should Write Even if You're Not a Writer
Day 8 How to Personify an Object
Day 9 How to Use Writing Prompts to Improve Your Skills
Day 10 Why You Need an Email List
Day 11 There is a Best Time to Write!
Day 12 Your Future Path
Day 13 Do You Know How to Eat an Elephant?
Day 14 Soliloquy Speaking: Bring Depth to Your Characters
Day 15 The Red String- You and Your Readers are Connected
Day 16 Pardon Me, What Did You Say?
Day 17 Make Dialogue Work For You
Day 18 Actions Speak
Day 19 Connect the Dots
Day 20 Begin with the End
Day 21 You Don't Need the Money!
Day 22 Lessons for Writers from Kurt Vonnegut
Day 23 from Mundane to Marvelous
Day 24 Expose Yourself

I appreciate your support :)

If you find this article after day 7, please consider upvoting a recent article.
really like it!
For a moment I stopped to think.
And ask me:
Will it be possible for me to remember in the future?
I think the answer is yes!
Although I do not write prayers or poetry.
I write about my trips and the places I know.
many things are on the internet. But what sets me apart is that my way of writing is to talk about my experiences.
Very good friend publication!
That's why they recommend to write with passion. Even the most shy people have become talented and successful authors when they decide to put their ideas and thoughts on paper.
When you write, mostly it is your heart speaking out. And it makes you get something worth out of you, which can have impact on your readers. So the words and phrases you write could stick in their minds.
I agree. Whatever you're feeling while you're writing shows through the screen or paper. Readers can feel it, so make sure you're passionate about the subject.
This way you can make even the most boring subject exciting and worthy of a read :)
Ahhhh... Isn't it nice?
you have inspired me immensely with this post. thank you @arbitrarykitten
That means a lot, thank you! I'm pleased to share inspiration <3
Written words have the power to convey the author's thoughts and emotions; they the power to make the reader feel different emotions.