I have a confession..

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I'm actually an alien/extraterrestrial!

555802_3144886675731_773210192_n.jpgThis picture was from a photo trip a long time ago with my father @irvinesimages and I'm not sure who took the shot, if it was me or not.. But I think it was probably him as I wasn't as into photography yet back then. Though regardless of who took the picture that was a fun lil adventure! :D

Oh.. Also.... Just kidding in regards to being an alien. I don't know if I am or not. I'm probably just a regular human!

However.. I have had an interesting history with the subject.
Seeing as this is the subject of our current round in the IFC and that I just had an interesting lil experience I thought I'd share.

So.. After reading the entries for our contest the subject has been on my brain and I feel like I understand the subject better than I ever did before. I feel like it's pretty much undeniable to me at this point, and I'm an extremely skeptical person who often distrusts popular claims.

Some of the recent stuff I've learned from the IFC contest reinforced a lifetime of interest in the subject and sort of helped me have an epiphany. I'm still hesitant to speak on something there's no significant tangible proof for, however the testimonials are pretty overwhelming.

It's as one of our contestants said and I feel similar, all the testimonial accounts would almost have to be like some kind of mass shared hallucination, I've said that before numerous times.. Like how else to explain? I doubt they were all lying! Either something real is happening or it's mass psychosis of some sort, or.. I guess it could be some nefarious mind control plan.. Though really.. I think the evidence is pretty significant/overwhelming for something weird going on.

People report different kinds of aliens, and one that stuck out to me in the recent research were the "small people" sorta like humans but like 3 feet tall was how they were described and that are sort of telepathic.

And I've heard so many other similar stories from people about some sort of telepathic connection with UFOs/aliens/extraterrestrials.. Plus I've had my own. At least.. I believe I did. Heh.

Let's just give a lil backstory.

The morning I was born my parents tell me a UFO followed the midwife to the house and hovered outside. This story sticks with me to this day. I have to wonder if it meant something more. If so.. What did it mean..? There are other stories in history that seemed to imply the possibility of ETs or spirits/angels/gods showing interest in certain babies.

Like.. Apollonious and Jesus for example.. Some believe they are the same person. But.. There's quite a few more actually.. It's not that uncommon.

I don't wanna say I'm anything special.. I just think it may be a lot more common than you think that beings from elsewhere are here. Also once again not saying I'm from elsewhere, lol. I don't know. I'm open minded to it, but in all reality I'm probably just a regular human as I said before. Anyways.. Moving on.

When I was like 10 years old I saw my first UFO. A large saucer shaped one hovering near the town I grew up. a Vrill type likely. Very clear to me. Went to show my parents though by the time I got back it was gone.

A few years later I had a very vivid dream where I and other kids at a sleepover appeared to share a vision of grey aliens types outside the windows looking in with lights and stuff. And.. There's more to that story as well, though you gotta ask if you really wanna know. This is(was suppose to be) a quick update.

I've also seen so many other UFOs after that I've lost count. Probably at least 30.. Maybe 40 or more.. A lot! And quite a few diff kinds, but most are the.. Sort of.. "moving stars". They look like stars but move intelligently and do weird things.

I've seen quite a few people report that they have some kind of telepathic connection and that often the lights will disappear when they've been spotted. Or things like that. And I have as well. Maybe it was coincidence.. But I have as well.

(By the way even my father told me of an account where he felled compelled to get up and walk outside on the porch and right then a UFO flew by, almost like.. It called him outside and I've heard this same thing quite a few times from others before in my research.)

SOOOO many times when I'm out in nature and thinking like.. Really powerful weird thoughts, I'll look up and see a ball of light either appear or disappear. Sometimes it'll shoot across the sky like a shooting star, other times it will just be sitting there and then disappear or do other things.

It has become such a habit it's really creeped me out sometimes.. I feel in my intuition that something more is going on, that it's almost like they're trying to communicate with me/us/the planet.. BUT.. If so.. Why do they so often disappear when I see them...?

I went for a walk last night and was kinda hoping for an experience cause it's been a while and also we're doing the UFO/Alien round in the IFC and was very uneventful and nothing happened until the very end when I got home..

I was standing there ready to go inside.. And.. Staring at the stars thinking.. I wonder if there's little people up there looking at me or looking down at earth and other people? Or whatever? I wonder if there's little people up there somewhere who are like telepathic and who are sort of trying to communicate with us?

And then.. After a couple of moments.. I saw a flash of light that was not ordinary right in the area that I was looking at and focusing on. Nothing more, nothing less.. But right in the area I was looking at, right after I asked that question about wondering if little people are up there watching us to myself and to the stars.. I got a flash of light in response. Wow..

Could have totally be a coincidence unrelated.. Like a star dying in the distance or something else weird some kind of solar phenomena or event who knows.. But.. It's another one of MANY weird experiences I've had looking at the stars and I thought I'd share.

I waited for about 5 minutes or less to see if anything else would happen then got kinda scared, lol. And went inside. I don't think I'm ready for a meeting..

I'm still kinda scared to have a meeting with beings from elsewhere or even like.. A random human walking down the street at night.. If it was in the daytime, I'd be much less scared.. Though.. I got spooked by a bug buzzing my ear, lol.. And I thought my fear of death was mostly gone, but how could it be if I'm so jumpy?

I think maybe I still have a lot of self preservation instinct even if I'm not really scared of dying per se, I just want to keep living and value what I can offer the world so I don't want to lose it by not being careful.. Still wanna keep myself alive so there's a good amount of fear associated with that I guess and I feel like that is extremely limiting in a potential encounter. If they did show themselves I'd probably freak the eff out, unless it was daytime, then I'd still probably be pretty freaked, lol.

Though.. I'm trying to open up more to it, one of our contestants posted about how the natives consider meetings to be sacred and a good thing, though I just have to wonder.. Are all of them benevolent? There must be some predators..? How to know the difference? How to not offend them by expressing your skepticalness in regards to such? The questions go on and on..

This is getting sorta long so I just want to end it with another experience of mine to help sort of help reaffirm some of what I said.
When younger I actually filmed what I believe are some UFO's. Here's a pic. The small bright dot at the bottom right, lol.

28566_1241773819099_4538844_n.jpgThe reason the colors are so different is I did colorwork on this one, the other video files are raw/untouched.

It's hard to see I know.. But.. This is a picture from a video I took years ago which I still think is special and I plan to release it again in the future on my new YouTube channel, I also made a whole Talking With Paul vlog about it that's almost done, but haven't finished it yet.

Oh by the way my father was there that day as well, though I was the one filming this time.

I've found more UFOs in this clip also and in addition to this clip I've filmed something similar again on my phone years later. Not as good resolution, but it seems like they are attracted to, or.. More visible in the sky when there are iridescent clouds.

I'm guessing it's just them being more visible for some scientific light reason, though I've heard stories of them being attracted to lightning storms and things before so maybe there's something else going on..

I'm extremely confident they are not bugs or birds, I admit I could be wrong.. Though.. I've studied this pretty deep and I don't think so. Especially in the clip I shared on YouTube, the first one.. It's quick, but you see what appears to be a craft coming into view, almost like.. A shooting star, there's no way that was a bug or a bird in my opinion. And I think the other clips are the same kinda thing.

A scientist lady who was quite well known looked at it and said the first one is a day time meteor, an the other ones might be birds.. But.. I'm telling you we do not have big white birds like that around here.. We just don't. I've never seen anything like that before.
And I didn't see this stuff in person, only found it later when looking at the video.

Otherwise I woulda got much better footage! It pains me I didn't know what I was filming, otherwise I coulda got some really epic stuff.. Though even just this is still epic in my opinion.. How many Photographers can say they filmed a UFO? Not that many cause it's decently rare.

SO yeah... I'm going to be doing into more detail on this soon as I said and plan on releasing a VLOG and including the new cell phone footage of the second event and the new UFOs I found in the first one and to just edit it a lot better cause I didn't know how to ediback whe nI uploaded this.. I'm gonna do a nice presentation in the future! But I wanted to share this now cause of my experience last night and the UFO/Alien contest in the IFC.

Hope anyone who read this managed to find it interesting! :D

May seem kinda crazy, but.. To me.. It's sorta normal.. I grew up in Sedona.. One of the major UFO hotspots in the United States. We even have a UFO shop here and it's sorta just a normal part of the culture. There was even a crash years ago where people believed our government shot down a UFO. And.. A LOT MORE.. Trust me.. There's a buncha crazy stories here. And.. I dunno what's going on! But I feel confident enough to say that I think it's pretty clear something is going on up in the skies, even if it's just top secret human technology, but I think it's more..

I think there are aliens of diverse kinds out there, greys, little people, lizards, ant types, vegans(lol, google it sometime, it's also an interesting potential connection with Jesus/Apollonius as they were both likely vegan as well, maybe they are some of the benevolent ones?) and many more and who knows.. Maybe one day I'll meet some. If I can get over the fear of it.

K. I'm done. Thanks for reading all that if you did! That was a decently long one.
If anyone wants to check out the entries from our contest here is the link.
The entries are down belowin the comments and they are all very good! I highly suggest giving them a read if you have some time and are interested in the subject.
PS good luck to the remaining competitors in the IFC!


Lol! Yeah.. Pretty much! Good one.

I really enjoyed reading this, @apolymask :) I've had a lot of encounters myself which I didn't dare share LOL

I think there are some benevolent beings as well (we just hear more about the bad experiences) and always remember that you have the power inside yourself to choose the experience you have.

I see those flashes, too! So interesting. I thought I was going bonkers or my eyes were playing tricks on me. Then one day, my husband and kids and I were stranded in a boat on Father's Day ('someone flooded the engine ; ) and I saw one of these flashes and happened to have my camera out so pointed where I saw it and I'll be darned if it didn't pick up a bright ball of light. So I started playing with this for months - and it happened every time. It didn't seem to matter if the flash I saw with my eyes was gone when I photographed or not. I can't definitively explain the 'why' or 'what' but I can say it is not your imagination.

It's definitely a fascinating subject. Thanks for sharing your story and experience with it.

It's been fun!

Lock this man up. He's spewing "nonsense".