During all this week I have been hitting my head among all the options that we have left in the country and what benefits us most, but is it so simple? Vote or not vote? Is the dilemma really there? For more than 18 years Venezuela has been involved in a great ideological seduction, for that reason we have become involved in each group, sector, party, ideology, or what I consider "fair" that we put FIRST the partisan and individual interest that the interest general (OF THE COUNTRY), the poor against the rich, the businessmen against the trade unions, the socialism against the capitalism, chavistas against opposition, the Venezuelan emigrants against those who stay and the last maduristas against disintegration of an opposition.

Everyone read and expect to convince them that it is the CORRECT thing that will happen if I tell them that it is OK to VOTE? And what happens if I tell them that NOT VOTING is also good? In any case, I am convinced that the leaders of the opposition have been terribly wrong, because if the only and primordial purpose were really to get out of this chaos, this would have changed and it would be much better ... to speak badly of the government is something tacit, listing all the bad things that are happening is tedious and an impending headache, I have seen how people in this crisis have taken their human side and with little has helped a lot, I have also seen how people take advantage of the bleeding situation to the people with the prices, the IDIOSINCRACIA of the Venezuelan sinks us more and more, the DEMAGOGIA sinks us and as stupid and sheep without even analyzing we do according what suits them ... we are paying for years of populism, years of ignorance , years of wanting to be more ingenious than the other, there are still people separated from the two limits, thinking, logical and critical who above all want to work to make a living and live good, without waiting gift, when I accept that they label me as cattle, in fact I am accepting those hypocrites and pigs that I do not have the physical or mental capacity to grow, develop, be successful and have to free expression, I do not judge to people, but they can choose more and better things; the less we depend on subsidies and social assistance plans, the greater the economic and social growth of the country, we will not be dominated by any political leadership.
There is no ideal candidate in politics with a magic formula for the country to grow, but if there are decisions that can improve or sink more, ONLY DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT, if you DO NOT want to VOTE, IF YOU WANT TO VOTE DO IT! It is no longer about whether you want the Bigotudo (THE PRESIDENT), because I suppose if you are reading this you do not belong to that group, only that your conscience is convinced that you are taking the best decision, not just for you. BUT for ALL. I HAVE TAKEN MY DECISION AND I WILL NOT THE EXPOSE, NOT FOR FEAR TO BE JUDGED BECAUSE I DO NOT CARE, REALLY IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE INTELLIGENT TO CHOOSE WHAT TO DO WITHOUT GIVING MY OPINION.

Everyone read and expect to convince them that it is the CORRECT thing that will happen if I tell them that it is OK to VOTE? And what happens if I tell them that NOT VOTING is also good? In any case, I am convinced that the leaders of the opposition have been terribly wrong, because if the only and primordial purpose were really to get out of this chaos, this would have changed and it would be much better ... to speak badly of the government is something tacit, listing all the bad things that are happening is tedious and an impending headache, I have seen how people in this crisis have taken their human side and with little has helped a lot, I have also seen how people take advantage of the bleeding situation to the people with the prices, the IDIOSINCRACIA of the Venezuelan sinks us more and more, the DEMAGOGIA sinks us and as stupid and sheep without even analyzing we do according what suits them ... we are paying for years of populism, years of ignorance , years of wanting to be more ingenious than the other, there are still people separated from the two limits, thinking, logical and critical who above all want to work to make a living and live good, without waiting gift, when I accept that they label me as cattle, in fact I am accepting those hypocrites and pigs that I do not have the physical or mental capacity to grow, develop, be successful and have to free expression, I do not judge to people, but they can choose more and better things; the less we depend on subsidies and social assistance plans, the greater the economic and social growth of the country, we will not be dominated by any political leadership.

There is no ideal candidate in politics with a magic formula for the country to grow, but if there are decisions that can improve or sink more, ONLY DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT, if you DO NOT want to VOTE, IF YOU WANT TO VOTE DO IT! It is no longer about whether you want the Bigotudo (THE PRESIDENT), because I suppose if you are reading this you do not belong to that group, only that your conscience is convinced that you are taking the best decision, not just for you. BUT for ALL. I HAVE TAKEN MY DECISION AND I WILL NOT THE EXPOSE, NOT FOR FEAR TO BE JUDGED BECAUSE I DO NOT CARE, REALLY IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE INTELLIGENT TO CHOOSE WHAT TO DO WITHOUT GIVING MY OPINION.

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