Random musings...Existence of God...to believe or not to believe...

in #writing2 months ago (edited)

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I was watching a debate between Richard Dawkins and Mehdi Hassan. Well I just got through the beginning, and then it dawned on me...

It's always about the existence of God. Does he exist? Does He not? Can His existence be proven? Something that I've realized before, pretty much hit me again. God can be proven.

How? You may ask. Well, God is a concept and the very fact that both parties are discussing the very same God means that they are both aware of the same one, just from different angles. Sort of like one of your friends discussing you with another of your friends. They are discussing the same person, but from slightly different perspectives.

There is basically no reason, for example, for Christians to discuss the existence of God, amongst themselves. There is no real reason for Muslims, Jews and Christians to discuss the existence of God with each other. The only thing about God they may have to discuss, or argue over, is how they see, or experience, Him.

Atheists, on the other hand, believe that God probably doesn't exist. This is why they can discuss the existence of God with any of the major religions, as mentioned above.

Well, the fact that they know what, and who, God is gives us cause to assume that God is on their minds. They are, for all intents and purposes, religiously trying to debunk God's existence. It's as if they're religiously in denial.

It seems that atheism may well be a religion with it's main character being God.
Their missionary duty, it seems, is to tell the world that He doesn't exist.

God is on the atheist's mind, but how did He get there? Why does the atheist insist on dwelling on Him? Why do they insist that He doesn't exist, when it's obvious that He lives in their mind?

That, to me, is evidence of the existence of God.

Just random musings...