Cryptails #1: A techno-horror short story contest. Weekend update!
Hello friends from #writing. I am here today to give you an update on Cryptails #1, our techno-horror short story contest. It has been some wild days in which we have reached to authors from all over Steem inviting you to participate. And your response was amazing, we have gotten some great entries and the influx is looking strong!

Remember that the last day of the contest is the 28th. After midnight, (UTC) the entries will be closed. Let me show you the submissions we have so far! If there is any in particular that you like, let us know why below! It may bias our judgement in favor of your favorite story. ^^ (That sounds bad, but it's actually a good thing, it's about the readers too!)
In no order in particular:
We are happy to see such a great response in only the first edition of this contest! Please keep your submissions coming in, and if I missed it, please let me know. (Remember you must use the 'cryptails' tag.) If you just now learned about it, youre still in time! You can read the contest rules HERE.
Don't forget to follow and upvote the authors of these stories, they're all very talented.
And with that, I'll see you next time.
Image Source: (1)
Wow there are story contests aswell?? Awesome, I might enter who knows O:
You are welcome to do so, helpingothers! We would really like to read your entry. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave them here or on the original contest page here. = )
Will do :)