4 Simple Tips To Find the Right Copywriter

in #writer4 years ago


You're a busy business owner. You have to worry about perfecting your service or product, keep track of your finances, market your brand, and manage unplanned customer service issues. Your to-do list is packed with responsibilities.

You know you can't do it all alone. And the good news is you don’t have to! A copywriter can write marketing copy, create content, or even manage your social media.⠀

But how do you choose the right copywriter for you? Your business is unique so you need a copywriter who understands your business goals. Here are some things to consider when choosing an advertising copywriter for your business.⠀

Do you feel a connection to her?

You want a copywriter who gets your business goals. The relationship with your copywriter is likely to be ongoing. You want to "click" with this person. You want her to get you and what your brand stands for. You want her to believe in your vision as much as you do.

If you’re just starting your business or are doing a re-branding and don’t know what your brand voice it, that’s ok! A copywriter can help you find your brand voice. Your brand voice describes how you relate your values to your target audience. To do this you will probably have a conversation with her about who your ideal customer is and what problems you solve for them.

Do you like her writing style?

If you’re going to be using a copywriter’s work and putting your brand name on it- you should like her style. If you have a specific way of talking to your customers, your copywriter should be able to write in that type of language. Whether you want your copywriting to be fun and playful or formal and informative, a good copywriter should be able to implement your brand style.

Any reputable copywriter should have some samples. Go on her website and check out her past work. Is her copy easy to read? Does it flow? Is it conversational? Does it make you want to buy the product or service? If you want to see something more specific that’s not on her website, just ask!⠀

Does she have knowledge of SEO?

You could have the best damn copy on the internet, but if you're not optimizing your copy, no one's going to see it. You want a copywriter who knows (at least) the basics of SEO. SEO helps people who are searching for your type of product or service find you over your competition.

SEO consists of keyword research, using appropriate headings, and answering questions your audience is searching frequently. A professional copywriter has access to certain tools that give her this information.

Talk to her!

Email your copywriter and ask to schedule a call. Tell her about what you need help with. I'm sure she'll have plenty of interesting ideas. See if her vision fits with your brand's needs. Most copywriters do a free 15-minute consultation to tell you about their services. Use this call to see how a copywriter can help your marketing efforts.

Need a copywriter to write your website copy, create social media content, or help you find your brand voice contact me. I’m here to help! ⠀

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