Why Marry and What it really means

in #writer5 years ago (edited)

The book place much emphasis on the centrality of God in marriage. It replace my notion that marriages survived because of love with marriage survive because of honouring the institution of marriage.


When you honour your marriage vow, you are also honouring the initiator of marriage which is God. Love may fade away just like beauty and looks but when couples choose to honour the very institution of marriage, the gradual understand each other and become proactive in handling crises. Crises will arise that may threatened the existence of the marriage but putting the interest of the marriage above personal gains keep a marriage going.

Marriage is not about sex or procreation, its about companionship. Marriage is a union between two people from two distinct background willing to form a new bond of a new character trait. Finding the right partner is very necessary, God alone can help us in finding someone that really compliment us.

There are no perfect halves in marriages, each halve should be open minded to learn and accept mistakes

Men and women are wired differently hence responds to situation is different

Women are wired to give detailed information while men are wired to listen.

Women respond to what how they feel while men respond to what they see hence men are logical thinkers while women are emotional thinkers.

Men are wired to give because its the heart of love while women are wired to receive love from men.

The best kind of love is agape love
Agape love is an unconditional love that does not expect anything in return.

You love without expecting anything in return.

The best kind of marriage is a roless marriage where responsibilities are carried out based on who is available rather than being assigned.

Effective Communication matters in marriage, break in communication could break marriages.

Little things like complementing each other matters in marriage, even telling ur partner I love you bae🙃🙃

A well planned finance and family planning are essential for a successful marriage.

Finally when we draw from God's love, we will be able to love our partner effectively.


I wonder when I will ever be able to marry