#writedaily Challenge - Day 3
Day 3 - Arduous
I will not wait for you.
I will not wait for your lips to drag lazily over your teeth to say the words, "I can't."
By the time the air rushes back into your dry mouth, I will be gone. As you start to wet your tongue for the next phrase, know I will not hear it.
I will not wait for you.
I will not wait for your thoughts to become words that never become actions. As you delay finding your footing on unsteady grounds, I will not just float along with you.
I will not wait for you.
I will not wait for your steps to become more sure before you plunge into a sprint towards that dream you wrote down. As you plot the next list of things you hope to achieve, I will be gone before the ink dries.
I will not wait for you.
I will not wait for the rough sands that you run through to become less arduous. As you drown in self pity, I will not be there making quicksand out of footholds.
"I will not wait for you," I told myself one last time.
I looked at the reflection of my eyes, finally finding the spark of a received affirmation. And, before I could blink, I was gone.

Awesome piece of writing you created there!
thank you @longfield98 :)