West Coast Wrestling Connection Episode 185 Summary Part 1

in #wrestling7 years ago


Match #1: Bonus Boy$ (c) (w/ Jeremy Blanchard) vs. Clark Connors and Julian Whyt
This match is for the WCWC Tag Team Championship.

Before the match started, the commentators were putting over the fact that Clark Connors was trained by Buddy Wayne and Lance Storm and that he is a hybrid wrestler. The match starts with Connors in the ring with Sugar Brown. Connors and Whyt do quick tags. Brown then finds an opening and tags Clutch Kucera. The Bonus Boys then start to work Connors. Brown puts Connors in a Front Chancery and throws him outside of the ring. While Connors is outside the ring, Kucera and Blanchard stomp him as Brown his distracting the referees. Connors is thrown back into the ring and the Bonus Boys do The Play of the Day on Connors which gets a two count. Whyt gets the hot tag from Connors and starts picking up the pace on Brown, and gives Brown a Yurinagi for a two count. Whyt jumps on the middle rope trying to hit a springboard moonsault, but Kucera knocks him off the ropes. Blanchard knocks Connors off the apron, and the Bonus Boys hit the Signing Bonus for the three count.

Winner: Bonus Boys, (retain the WCWC tag team championship).

Match #2: Damian Drake vs. Eric Right (w/ Richard Syncyr)

Damian Drake starts going blow for blow with Right. Right then works Drake. Drake throws Right into the turnbuckle, followed with an irish whip into the corner. Right goes back to work on Drake. Drake starts to fight back, goes for a Popup DDT for a two and a half count. Drake goes for the Swift Justice, but Right rolls out of the ring. Drake comes out of the ring, hits a forearm on Right but Right throws Drake into the ring apron. Syncyr Hands an object to Right and Right throws Drake a fireball but Drake moved out of the way. The referee calls for the bell. A brawl then ensues between Right and Drake but it is quickly broken up.

Decision: No Contest.

Matt Striker and Suede Thompson are backstage being interviewed. Matt Striker cuts a promo on how WCWC is a bully but Thompson gets Striker focused on their upcoming match.

Match #3: Matt Striker and Suede Thompson vs. Dante's Rejects (w/ Gangrel and Lucy)

Dante's Rejects start the match by blindsiding Striker and Thompson while Striker is distracted by Gangrel. Dante's Rejects start the match by working Striker for most of the match. Suede gets the hot tag from Striker and hits a Lariat on Beast the Butcher for a two count which is broken up by Stone Hendrix. Striker Pedigree's Beast, Suede goes to the top rope, gets knocked off the top rope by Hendrix. A brawl then proceeds to break out between Hendrix and Striker. The referee calls for the bell. Gangrel and Dante's Rejects assault Striker and Thompson.

Winner: Striker and Thompson by DQ.


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