No Mercy Championship Wrestling (Season 1, Episode 1)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #wrestling7 years ago

[Eric Young is injured]

No Mercy Championship Wrestling
LIVE (on YouTube and Twitch) from St. Louis, Missouri


William Regal's music hits to a large pop and he emerges from behind the curtain, microphone in hand. He proceeds to thank everyone in attendance and those that are watching around the world watching on various platforms. He announces the Agon Champion WILL be crowned tonight. He then goes into a brief tangent on the history of the Olympics and how the Agon Championship got its name. Regal goes on to say that two Triple Threat matches will determine who competes for this championship. First up will be Pete Dunne vs. Bram vs. the draft pick Cody Rhodes. The second Triple Threat will feature Dean Ambrose vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Brutus Magnus.

Ronda Rousey, having just been signed as the GM of NMCW Women's Division announces that the Domina of No Mercy will also be crowned tonight. She talks about how NMCW has some of the toughest, most experienced women in the world. She says a random draw will determine who will compete to be the Domina of No Mercy. The remaining 11 women in the division will be in a draw next show to determine who competes for the title of Queen of the Cage. The names drawn? Jessicka Havok…and Taeler Hendrix.

Match 1: Pete Dunne vs. Bram vs. Cody Rhodes

Pete Dunne attacked Cody Rhodes while he was making his way down the ramp. This match then goes into full on ass-kicking mode. Bram and Dunne both go after Rhodes like madmen. Throughout this match, Bram and Dunne team up on multiple occasions, going as far as putting Rhodes through the announce table. This Deadly Alliance is short-lived though. While Bram is celebrating, Dunne hits Bram square in the jaw with a deadly elbow strike. He takes a quick second to gloat before taking Rhodes back into the ring, hitting the Bitter End and getting a pinfall victory.

Winner: Pete Dunne

Match 2: Dean Ambrose vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Brutus Magnus

To start the match, Ambrose and Magnus go right on the attack while Tanahashi just sits back and watches the carnage. After Ambrose slings Magnus out of the ring, Tanahashi hits Dean with a barrage of suplexes. Hiroshi goes for the pinfall, but Magnus breaks it up. Hiroshi hits an enzuigiri, sending Ambrose into the ropes, but he immediately comes back with a clothesline, but Hiroshi ducks out of the way, resulting in Magnus being sent flying. Ambrose attempts a pinfall, but receives a nice kick to the head from Hiroshi. Hiroshi then hits a double slingblade and goes for a submission.
Hiroshi locks in the Texas Cloverleaf on Magnus, to which Magnus taps.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi

Match 3: Rockstar Spud issues an Open Challenge

Rockstar Spud comes out to boos and instantly begins to complain about how he was left off the inaugural show and he issues an open challenge to ANYONE in the locker room. After a brief silence, a motorcycle revs to begin Baron Corbin's music. Instantly, Spud regrets what he has said....but it is too late. The rabid fan base wants to see this.

The bell rings and Spud goes to use the ref as a shield, so the ref forces Corbin to back off. Spud sticks his tongue out and goes for a cheap shot on Corbin, but it is easily countered by a quick job. Baron runs the ropes and delivers a hellacious clothesline to Spud. Instinctively, Spud rolls out of the ring but Baron follows right after. Spud goes one way, but Corbin runs the other, picking up Spud and slamming his spine into the ring post. The ref is imploring the competitors to get back into the ring and Corbin obliges, putting Spud back in the hard way. Spud tries to run to Corbin, but he runs straight into the End of Days, resulting in Corbin getting the pinfall.

Winner: Baron Corbin

Match 4: Akam & Rezar vs. Jake Hager & Ethan Carter III (being accompanied by Chael Sonnen)

Rezar and Hager start off in the ring. They play it really slow, really old school. Mostly chain wrestling. The two teams go back and forth. Hager and Carter gel really well together making it virtually impossible for Akam to get into the match. Visibly frustrated Akam charges the team of Carter and Hager, helping out his friend. Akam and Rezar do the double power bomb to their opponents. Akam drags Rezar to their corner to tag him in and go after Carter. Out of fear, Carter tags in Hager. Akam is then on the receiving end of two clotheslines, then a kick to the gut. Hager then hits the Gut-wrench power-bomb in the corner of the ring. Hager goes for the pin. Akam gets his foot on the bottom rope, but Chael knocks it off before the ref can see it.

Winners: Jake Hager & Ethan Carter III

Match 5: Domina of No Mercy: Jessicka Havok vs. Taeler Hendrix

Taeler attacks Havok on her way to the ring. Hendrix goes for a quick pin, but Havok kicks out. Hendrix wastes no time to go back on the offensive, delivering multiple knees to the back of Havok. Hendrix goes to deliver a backbreaker, but Havok counters into the Harlot Slayer (chokeslam). Havok gets a near fall, but goes right back on the offensive. Hendrix gets crafty though. Havok tries to go for a bearhug, but gets caught off guard with a quick kick. Hendrix takes a dazed Havok, Irish whips her into the corner, hits a forearm strike, goes for the corner choke being forced to break the hold, Hendrix goes for another forearm further sending Havok into her daze. Hendrix hits The Kiss Goodnight and gets a pinfall.

Winner: Taeler Hendrix

Main Event: Pete Dunne vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi in a Street Fight for the NMCW Agon Championship

Dunne and Tanahashi start off fairly slow with classic chain wrestling, but then it gets messy. Dunne whips Tanahashi to the corner, goes for a bull rush, but Tanahashi throws Dunne over the ropes and to the floor. Tanahashi climbs to the top rope and hits a slingblade on the floor. The two then to beat the living crap out of each other, going as far as using chairs, kendo sticks, and the like. Dunne sadistically smiles as he pulls a bag of tacks out from under the ring. He slides back in, dumps out the entire bag and taunts Tanahashi. But Hiroshi hits a flying forearm, sending Dunne onto some of the tacks. After recovering, Dunne gets Tanahashi in a Michinoku Driver then immediately hits the Bitter End onto the remaining portion of the tacks. He goes for the pin, gets the 1-2-3.

Winner: Pete Dunne