ACW #2: "A Good Run of Bad Luck"

in #wrestling7 years ago

Injury: TJP

"Cult of Personality" hits and CM Punk comes out to a huge pop. He gets to the ring and grabs a microphone. He says he hates that his next chapter in pro wrestling was ruined by some phenomenal douchebag that just wants 15 minutes of fame. He says he will do whatever it takes to find out who did this and will get his vengeance on them. Lo and behold though, Punk is interrupted by A.J. Styles. Styles goes on to question Punk as if he (Punk) implied that Styles was the one who attacked Punk. Styles says he doesn't want to fight Punk. Punk says that's too bad because he challenges him to a match later on tonight. The two have a gentlemen's agreement as the match is made official. Cut to backstage

Charly Caruso is backstage and catches TJP walking out of William Regal's office. She catches him for an interview. She notices he is without the Brothers of the Sands Championship belts and TJP says General Manager Regal has stated he will address all of the title pictures tonight. The conversation shifts to Baron Corbin. TJP said he informed William Regal he wouldn't be able to compete tonight. Austin Aries comes in from off screen and says he's sympathetic to TJP and he is willing to face Baron Corbin tonight; however, this will change nothing between the two of them and TJP will be next on his list.

Match 1: Magnus & Ken Shamrock vs. Sheamus & Drew Gulak

Magnus and Sheamus start off in the ring. The two are hard hitting and technical very reminiscent of their previous match. Upon tagging in Shamrock, Sheamus cowardly tags in Gulak, who has his own share of apprehension in facing off against Shamrock. He engages all the same and the two share a series of strikes, leading to wrestling on the canvas. Shamrock uses his MMA skills to keep Gulak on the mat. Shamrock is able to get the Ankle Lock back in, but Gulak is able to tag in Sheamus. Ken ducks two clotheslines, and gets thrown into the corner by Sheamus. He (Sheamus) then does a splash and beats the hell out of Shamrock in the corner, letting his anger get the best of him. Despite the ref's best efforts, Sheamus does not break forcing the DQ.

Winner: Magnus & Ken Shamrock via disqualification

Sheamus and Magnus lock in their versions of the Cloverleaf on Ken Shamrock and Drew Gulak repsectively, having a Cloverleaf pissing contest, as Earl Hebner and other ACW officials are trying to break the holds.

A vignette airs. A podium stands at the forefront that only reads "Miracle". With Maria Kanellis-Bennett on his arm, Mike Bennett steps up to the podium. He talks about a decline in professional wrestling. People have lost their respect. Prophets became snakes in the grass. Bennett says he will remove these snakes. He will make wrestling great again. He is played out by a metal version of "Hail to the Chief"

Match 2: Domina of ACW Semifinal match: Tessa Blanchard vs. Awesome Kong

Tessa looks distracted, as if to say she has been bothered by her father being released by the company. Throughout the match, it is said that Tessa is off her game and she needs to focus on the task at hand. Kong dominates a good portion of the match with Tessa getting in sporadic offense, but nothing is able to materialize. Kong finishes the match with a two-handed chokeslam and gets the pinfall.

Winner: Awesome Kong via pinfall

Kong puts her foot on the chest of the downed Blanchard and makes the ghost belt motion.

Match 3: Austin Aries vs. Baron Corbin

Austin Aries makes his way down the ramp, but is attacked by Baron Corbin. Baron then asserts his dominance. But Aries is able to come to and gets an upper hand on Corbin. Aries is able to use high risk offense to keep Corbin off balance. Aries is able to put Corbin away with the 450 Splash.

Winner: Austin Aries via pinfall

Match 4: Domina of ACW Semifinal match: Racheal Ellering (w/ Paul Ellering) vs. Maryse (w/ The Miz)

Maryse uses cowardly heel tactics, such as getting in the ropes, etc. to avoid Ellering. Maryse even tries to use Earl Hebner as a shield to get Ellering to back off. When Racheal comes in, Maryse goes for the eye rake and pulls away from Hebner. Maryse dominates the match, using experience to try and defeat the up and comer. Maryse gets Ellering into a single leg Boston crab. Racheal looks to her father and he encourages her to not give up and assures her. Ellering is able to get out of the hold. She then hits a Superman punch and goes for the pin and gets the victory.

Winner: Racheal Ellering via pinfall

Ellering's celebration is short lived, as Alexa Bliss makes her way down and assaults Ellering, leaving her in the middle of the ring to be attended to by Paul.

The ring has been set up to have podiums that resemble Ancient Roman pillars. Five pillars are set up and are covered with a black velvet draping. William Regal comes out and says he's glad to have these lovely titles here with him and looks forward to seeing who will step forward to capture them. He unveils the title as he announces that next week will have a series of three matches of which the winners will face off at Fight Night: Vegas for the Agon Championship. The ACW Breaking Point Championship will be up for grabs in an 8 Man Thunder Bastard Match. And as alluded to in previous reports, the Brothers of the Sands Championship will be contested after having been vacated.

The music for The Authors of Pain hits and Akam & Rezar emerge with Paul Ellering. They get down to the ring and Paul proceeds to talk about how Akam & Rezar were screwed over at every possible turn in NMCW and were never given a fair shot at the Championship. William Regal says they will get their chance in Vegas, but they will need an opponent.

Out come Mayweather and Wilcox, The Veterans of War, charging to the ring in sheer determination. Mayweather takes the microphone. "You want GOT EM." and drops the mic. V.O.W. leave. William Regal is visually distressed to end the segment.

Match 5: DJ Z issues open challenge

DJ Z comes out and grabs a microphone. He goes on to say that he doesn't even know why he came out here. He doesn't want to perform for a pack of losers and tells Nashville to go have a cry with the Predators. The crowd lets him have it. Having had enough, Rusev's music hits and makes his way down to the ring.

DJ Z vs. Rusev

Rusev and DJ Z engage with Rusev having a clear Sambo inspiration. DJ Z gets no offense in and Rusev quickly locks in The Accolade.

Winner: Rusev via submission

Match 6: CM Punk vs. A.J. Styles

CM Punk seems to show some effects of the attack from last week, but he fights on against Styles. AJ and Punk have a match with a balance of technical wrestling as well as high-flying action. Styles goes on a hot streak, but Punk hits the swinging neckbreaker. Hitting the ropes, Punk runs straight into a Pele kick. While Punk is stunned, Styles hits the Styles Clash and gets the victory.

Winner: A.J. Styles via pinfall

Looking down at Punk, Styles feels uneasy. He can be seen saying, "I'm sorry Phil." He sits in the corner of the ring with his head in his hands.

Match 7: Brock Lesnar vs. Mystery Opponent

As promised, the highly anticipated debut of Brock Lesnar. The only question that remained was who his opponent would be. Brock stands in the ring looking meaner than ever.

William Regal announces the debut of Bobby Lashley, who will serve as his enforcer in ACW. Lashley runs down to the ring to instantly be met with a flurry of fists from Brock. Lashley is able to mount an offensive and the bout then back and forth in brutal fashion. Lesnar gets Lashley into a series of German suplexes, each one more emphatic than the last. Lashley tries to go for a spear but is met with a knockout punch. Despite this, Lesnar gets Bobby in the Kimura Lock. After getting one last moment of life, Lashley passes out, forcing ref stoppage.

Winner: Brock Lesnar via Kimura Lock