Trump got an “A” Grade During Government Shutdown

in #worldnews7 years ago (edited)

President Trump thanks Brad Blakeman who talked on Fox News this evening for grading his first year of Presidency with an A grade.


As shown on the President’s twitter that he’s so proud about the discussion on Fox News about him. While if we review as a whole, another guest also mentioned that the economic sector of the country does show a very good progress but unfortunately Trump at the same time has contributed to more polarization in the country. And as all Americans, world is also shocked and very sad with the government shutdown which unnecessarily happened. Bipartisanship has again failed to be able to get an agreement and the shutdown continues to the third day.

In contrast to the A grade, the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals an extremely different facts.
Based on the latest release, the U.S., suffers severe record drop in trust of institutions, businesses, media, NGOs and government and it’s reported as the worst drop in the U.S., history. Among the 28 surveyed countries, U.S.A., stands on the last bottom below India and Italy.

Reproduced from 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer; Chart: PurpleBee)

The Edelman report also compared the two Top and bottom level countries U.S.A (scored -37) and China (+27). It was surveyed Which institution is the most broken in the country. And the answers are not surprising at all.

Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report

Government showed to be most broken institution in the U.S., while in China, business turned out to be most broken.

Anyway, congratulation President Trump for the A grade on your first year presidency and we hope the shutdown will soon end.