Top 10 World End #1 The Super-Volcano Eruption
Hello Steemians!
Today, more and more movies develop the idea of a bad, strong man, who wants to destroy the world.
And, at news, we see everyone saying that the world will end after next war.
The same case we meet, when we are talking about pollution and deforestation.
But, not the end of our planet is the problem. The planet is really really strong, and she have a really big age, in comparison with Humans. In this world, people are the weak.
So, in this top, we will talk about 10 Ways Through The Humanity can die.
Top 10
In 1783, in Iceland, erupted The Volcano Laki which pulled out at the surface of earth 14 square kilometers
of lava.

And this is just a sneeze in comparison with what can do the planet.

Some scientists think that 65 millions years ago, a sneeze like this pulled out at the surface of earth 1 million square kilometers of lava, what created the piece of land which today we call India.

The last eruption of an Super-Volcano occured 17 millions years ago, and supposedly, we have 20 millions years where we can stay chill. According our calendar, this is not a real danger for humanity.

We hope that in 20 millions years we will not be on this planet, maybe on a better one .
However, even if suddenly a super-volcano would erupt, not the immediate annihilation would be our death, but the survival after eruption in the new environment and climate formed.

I will do the next post tomorrow, so, follow me if you want to see the next World End possible.