- Bc English language is B. C (Before Christ). After
Ce is A. D (Anno Domini)
- Sharks lose teeth more than 6,000 pieces every year, and teeth
new grow within 24 hours
- Julius Caesar was killed with 23 stab
- Car name Nissan is derived from the japanese Ni : 2 and San : 3. Nissan
: 23
- Giraffes and rats can survive longer without water than a camel
- The stomach produces a layer of mucus every two weeks so the stomach does not
digest the organ itself.7. 98% of rape and murder done by close family or
a friend of the victim.
- The ant can lift the burden 50 times of his body
- The American declaration of Independence was written on paper marijuana

- The point above the letter i is called ‘title’
- A grain of a raisin dropped in a glass of champagne fresh
will move up and down in the glass
- Benjamin Franklin was the youngest son of parents of the youngest offspring to the 5
in families the youngest.
- Triskaidekaphobia is the fear on the 13. Paraskevidekatriaph obia
is ketekukan on Friday the 13th (can happen between 1-3 times a
a year). in Italy, 17 is unlucky number. in Japan the unlucky number is 4
- A giraffe's tongue is about 50 cm
- The mouth produces 1 liter of saliva every day
- We breathe approximately 23,000 times each day
- The word ZIP (postal code) is an extension of the ‘Zoning Improvement Plan’.
- Coca-Cola contains Coca (which is the active substance in cocaine) from
1885 until 1903.
- On average we speak 5000 words per day (although 80% of our
talk to yourself)
- If the quota of water in our body decreases 1%, we immediately
feel thirsty
- 4 king symbols on the playing cards symbolize the 4 king etrkenal in
times each: Spades = David/King David ; Keriting = Alexander the
The Great/Alexander The Great ; Hearts = Charlemagne/ King Of France ; Diamonds =Julius
- For the rest of our lives to drink as much water as approximately 75.000 liters
- Every person, including identical twins, fingerprints and texture of his tongue
there is not the same.
- The red dot on 7-Up logo comes from its inventor who red-eyed.
He's an albino.
- The man lost 40 strands of hair every day. women 70 strands.
- Sign the ’save’ in Microsoft Office programs shows the image of a floppy
the disk with the shutter upside down
- Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin,both married to cousins
the first of them (Elsa Lthal and Emma Wedgewood).
- Camels have 3 eyelids.
- A strand of hair on our head has a growing period of 2 to 6 years
before it is replaced with new hair
- Someone will still be conscious for 8 seconds after being beheaded
- Muscle working most fast our body is a muscle dikelopak eyes
that makes us blink. we can blink 5 times in a second
- Chocolate can kill dogs,because it directly affects the heart and
the arrangement of the nerve
- Without mixed saliva in the mouth, we will not feel the taste
- Fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails
- 13% of people in the world are left-handed
- Almost all lipstick contains fish scales
- A new baby is born the weight of his head is 1/4 of his body weight
- We actually see with the brain. eyes just a camera that
send data to the brain. 1/4 part of the brain used to organize the work of the
- Scorpions can be killed by water with vinegar,they will
the wrath and sting itself
- 1830s ketchup sold as medicine.
- The three wise monkeys have names: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no
evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).
- India has a bill of rights for cows
- If sneezing too hard can crack the ribs. If you try
suppress a sneeze, it can rupture arteries in the head and neck
trus dead . if you force your eyes open while sneezing, eye ball can't jump
- The name of the country of the Philippines comes from the name of King Phillip
- Saudi arabia comes from the name of King Saud
- Children have 20 teeth early. Adults have 32
- Because of the scarcity of metal, trophies Oscars that is shared on the world war
to II made of wood
- Each Cycle of 11 years, the magnetic poles on the sun swap places.
This cycle is called “Solarmax”.
- There 318.979.564. 000 possible combinations of the first opening in chess.
- There are more than 300 bacteria forming tartar