The Mathematical Love Story of Dimensional Rationality

in #working6 years ago

The fifty(5D)year Leap

There once was a mind residing in 4D. It’s job was to observe and create what was going on in the 3D Realm. One day it decided it’s job was to observe, create, measure, and record this time of life. It decided to do this rather than simply enjoy and experience the flow of life it was being cycled through. Who owned this measurement? Some power? Some group? SumOne?! Through the owning of this measurement Men could conquer over Men. By “The” owning the devices to measure time, Men could own other Men’s time, and thus the endless cycle begun. Men would continue to conquer other Men economically until when? When what? What happens when you suppose “when” that imposes an “Wenn”, and if there is an “if” that means someone has asked “why”.

This story isn’t about “i”. This isn’t about “Me”. It is written about “U” traveling to “We”, the author- SumOne.

i is a point. You have to point at it to give it meaning. The point to the abstract point is one direction. That means you are the pen pointing to it from the equal, but opposite reflection, the other direction. Now you have given yourself meaning, that of a pen, who’s own heart pumping out it’s own blood on to the page as a death wish. The pen is nothing, but a self-aware hourglass who’s sand of its life time is spilling out it’s bottom to make a point with it’s line. The first point of the pen being the start of it’s life and the last being the end of it’s lifetime.
Simon says, “Start With Why”, but the pen, U, decided to start with a point. This point it absolute abstract. It is whatever meaning you decide to give IT. The point is both the zero most of nothingness and the “y” at the end of infinity. U’s first point was her 1st direction, before U could decide what to do with the ink of her own life pouring out of her. She then made a decision. She then decided she would start writing in the opposite direction🕳, wait, sorry. U realized that would erase the meaning of the life already bled out of 🕳… U processed a diamond mind. She made a 3rd decision to draw herself so she could go another direction while still moving forward with her one and only story that would sure end as her death wish. U drew herself perfect! She was absolutely, breath taking, just like everything she created. However, at the time, U, had no idea who’s breath she was taking. And so at some moment in time she decided to questioned who’s breath she was taking in that was pushing the ink of her life out. The decision to measure the push and pull, the inhaling and exhaling, of time over the space U was writing on her blank, white, paper. This decision of questioning what she draws her perfect art from makes her need to create a point of reference in which she is the, beautiful, three directional, lady dancing across the endless canvas, marking her time. U became the shell of a herself. U started thinking of herself as, Michelle, so she made a 5th decision to make a marker. A reminder that she was the potential higher i who created the shell of herself. Now that she can think of herself as the perfect Michelle that she drew on the paper. U, the Diamond mind she is, decides she doesn’t always like thinking about herself so she learns how to escape her mind and rinse off in the fire showers of flow where she can lose track of her own time. When U is in flow she becomes naturally perfect again because she is dancing to “his” breath and letting the sand of her timeline spill out across the canvas. U questions who she is dancing with over time. “Who is the source behind the tides of time moving back and fourth ever so eloquently?”. What U was dancing with, but could never seem to touch. U decided to call this Energy. U thought Energy was beautiful. She thought Energy was the source of her perfection. What was behind everything. Maybe, she finally found the meaning to her life and how she could sign her own death wish. Her wish being to escape her mind, leave her timeline behind and dance with Energy and create 🕳. 4ever is what U created. Her dancing with Energy created his life. How could U understand what she created by encircling Energy with her death wish? Her death wish was to become One with Energy. U, with her diamond mind thought back to she made the marker of Me shell, by once again, rinsing off in flow to put 4ever where she left her own marker so he could find his was back to her.
U, the Dancing Lady, who encircled energy with her life and went on dancing through Eternity. 4ever never moved. He was stuck at the center of the circle looking out, but could only see what was potentially Energy. He had no sight of U, who now, was, “One”, with the circle of life. One realized 4ever would never be able to see her so she doubled herself. After re-creating herself, One and the recreation of herself, U, another pen to act as a mastermind drawing her way back to 4ever so he could fill in the blank and see her. That is to see Me. Remember? Re- 2seeme| E=Mc^2?

iii. Unfortunately, we all know how the story ends when we leave the story telling to me. Why would we entrust the story telling to anyone, but the original “We”.

We started with a point, which was really 3 i’s, me revolved around infinity.
What happens when you add someone “A” and something “B” together? How do you solve for C?
What about if you added the population of someone which is everyone) with the population of something (which is everything)? We can only conceive that as infinity with our own lives as our point of reference.

Our life= C Population of Life would = C^2
A^2 + B^2 = C^2

Square root of Life= Square root of everyone plus the square root of everything

Life= Sum1+ Square root of everything.

How could we solve for everything? Well everything has to be either observed or created by Sum1. How do you draw a line from Sum1 to Everything. Remember how U became Energy through pure potentiality.

6D/5D *phi^2= Life

Life= Pi

Energy/ Potentiality *population of observers/creators = Life

Square root 2= U
Square root 3= Me
There are two ii’s in U and 3 iii’s in me.

U+Me= 5 i’s in Potentiality

1= Life
1/2+ squareroot 5i/2= phi and 1/2 - (squareroot5i)/2= phi

3 points
1 lifeline
4 points in the mind of time
1 coincidental lifeline connecting
5 points in the
9nd’s i divided by
2 and created with
6 Energy of which
5 Potentiality is the same as
3 observation points looking back at
5 phi creating an infinite paradoxical loop from the
9 Mastermind to
7 Holiness in which the
9 Mastermind starts to tell the
3D story of how
2D made its way to
3D to create
8D, otherwise known as Infinity by creating
4D time and
6D energy into a
2D concept B4
6D Energy is divided by my life line