What are the challenges to make a decision to change the vocational track?
Changing a profession or job is one of
those big, adventurous steps. It is a special kind of gamble, capable of turning your life upside down. You erase your previous profession or work with all the experience you possessed in that field, before switching to another job. There is no doubt that the benefits that will accrue to you will be great and great. You will not think about changing your job unless you feel that it is no longer satisfactory to you, and that it has become a heavy burden that you cannot carry out. Your work has begun to affect your life negatively. It is possible that you will also lose if you do not Plan well, and change can happen that you never dreamed of.
Everyone knows Amazon, but what not everyone knows is that its founder, Jeff Bezos, was working in computer science on Wall Street in New York, and held senior positions in various financial companies, but in his thirty-first year he decided to leave the job and found Amazon, thus becoming one of the most... The brightest and richest people in the world. President Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, worked in Hollywood before that. This does not mean that money, fame, and limelight await everyone who changes his job, but what is certain is that whoever changes his profession because it no longer suits him will get what is more important than all of that, which is comfort and a feeling of stability and that what you take is equal to what you give to your work.
When should I change my career path?
1- Physical fatigue
How does your body feel at the end of each day: Do you feel tired, sluggish, weak, lethargic?
Do you get colds more often than before?
Has your body lost the ability to handle more without pain relief for headaches or joint pain (and you do not have any chronic diseases or pressures from the family)?
Maybe it's time to think about the stress your work is putting on you!
2- Depression associated with work
How do you feel when your weekend ends: Do you feel like going to work, or happy because you are going to work? Of course, I do not mean happiness that makes you kiss happily and laugh, because work or study do not provide that quality, and in the end they are burdens, but if the alarm bell and the end of the vacation cause you depression and you wish you would not go, then it is time to look into the matter.
3- Your self-confidence declines
When you feel that your efficiency is decreasing, that you are no longer able to fulfill the requirements of your work, or even that you no longer have the opportunity to develop yourself.
4- Money is your only motivation
When the only motivation for continuing to work becomes money, perhaps it is time to think about changing jobs. No one denies the importance of money in life, but money and work are goals to facilitate life, not the purpose of life.
Think before you make the big move
1- Rediscover yourself
What do you like to do: What are your hobbies or skills? What experience would you like to do: is it office work? Or do you need to learn a craft and work with your hands? Do you want to change your job permanently, which requires studying some training courses? Or will you not stray too far from your specialty?
2- Do you have financial coverage?
Even if money is not the most important thing in life, it is still important, and in this step you need to have some savings, especially if you are a father or a husband, or there is someone to spend on, so that the money supports you for some time, as you will not earn from the first day in your new job. Especially if it is a job that requires deployment.
3- Do not leave your job before you discover what you want
In the past, they said: “A bird in the hand is better than ten on a tree,” so do not leave your job before you are sure of your steps, and before you develop your plan and study it well, as your intention to change may not be strong, or you will discover that you will not bear that step while you are searching; So just in case, don't quit your job.
4- Collect information
Collect information about the new field, ask about training courses, try to find answers to your questions related to it from those who practice it, and if you are embarking on your own project, ask the specialists and create a feasibility study. It is also important not to raise your expectations so that you do not become disappointed and frustrated.
5- It is important to get support
In the big steps of change, we need the support of our close circles. Of course, this step will not gain the approval of adults, but tell them that you will be more comfortable, happier, and move forward in your steps, and then you will find everyone applauding you.