The evolution of human thinking - in terms of work in the society - personal opinion
What are you good at? Programming, designing, testing, processing data through some particular private system – doing accounting, interacting with storage software, building buildings, answering client calls and servicing them, fixing cars, fixing teeth, curing diseases, selling whatever? There are a lot of noble jobs out there and a lot of mundane, a lot of tasks that has no humanity in them, but must be done as a requirement for the matrix to continue its work, for the machine to work.
To get good at something you’ve got to have a lot of practical experience with it, but is this going to evolve you to the next level? In some decree – Yes. But, What is your next level? What are you passionate about? I have found that – these questions are some of the most tricky, they may lead you to the development of yourself, your carrier, your life path in a positive way and in the negative, or maybe in a neutral result, that is everything in life. Everything in life is neither positive or negative, it is always the way you look at life and on the things in life.
I’m noticing that these questions are used a lot in every level, because what ultimately evolves any individual to a next-next level, to the “one percent”, to the “success”, to a place outside of the hierarchy, outside of the pyramid is the knowledge of self, knowledge about people , what motivates them, what drives them, how to “hook them up” to illusions of the matrix.
Have you ever experienced the feeling that you are being treated as walking money, as a money machine, as a “fish”, as a “opportunity”?
It may contains the need to be actually a pleasant human being that is interested in the other person. No status, no money, nothing can elevate you as a person more than being good individual and acting with kindness. But acting that way (even if done “authentically” – if your are truly such person) may be a little bit fake in purely philosophical term. We all play some roles in life even if they are unconscious.
I am recognizing it in questions and a way of thinking I perceive from colleagues – programmers and other IT professions, from HR specialists trying to recruit or convince me, and I am seeing it in non-IT friends, relatives and in people that I barely know but I receive such feeling from what they are outputting to the world.
If you know what is the “fire”, what drives the “other” individual, you could approach him in two ways – either unselfishly, philanthropically or egoistically.
If you are truly altruistic, you would not need a recognition – neither from the receiver of your help, nor from any other person – not now, not ever, not in real life, nor in virtual or after-life. Everything else is doing it egoistically in small or big scale – for the attention, for the appreciation and the gratefulness, now in person or online, for the money now or in the future.
On key aspect of giving the “other person” the thing he is longing for is to keep him into the matrix. In the corporate world this could be money, participation in the “cool project”, giving credit (smile on the radio), tap on the shoulder, working with the “cool technology”, elevation in the imaginary stairway, fictitious titles and “positions”, and so on. Some other individuals need just the opposite – to be reevaluated and placed down – in lower places and conditions. The colors of human psychology are endless.
Putting people in the machine is done from one very practical reason. No single person could clone himself and do everything himself. Everybody needs someone else for a specific task that require time and effort. This is the only way to scale the unscalable. This also impose the need for order, clarity and accountability, so the work in the end of the day is done and finished. And just about that way the “matrix” is born.
Another place where you need to “know” the other people is in the interaction of the machine with the world. For the machine to work it must process, it must interact with others so it could drive – whatever it uses mainly as a motivation – money, food, gratitude etc. This is handled by branding and marketing.
Somewhere in the middle are the attention grabbers, the spreaders, the followers, the influencers, the people you interact in a semi-selfish way with the goal to get more known to the world. There are a lot, a lot of layers in the society, in business and in everything. I’m saying it with the idea to start digging in, instead of filling down.
They say solving a “problem” and making an emotional effect are the key. But again, I am asking myself, how much of the “problems” are valid and not just – human made, artificial, born from the illusions of the mind and the need of the matrix.
I think block-chain (and especially the Bitcoin implementation) is just exactly that kind. The humans are so low in their development as a species that they don’t trust each other (and probably for good reason) to put appropriate value to things.
We put so much emotions to things like – tools, gadgets, items, and even abstractions in them-self’s like videos and pictures of something. Instead of crying for trees an individual could invest the energy to learn how to plant trees and actually make a (the) positive wave.
To become enlighten and recognize truly what is what, it seems endless goal to me. The knowledge is gadder-ed every day with a lot of practice. The only thing every person could do is to do what he knows and feels best. I really hope some day humanity could evolve to a very next level – where technology will truly replace the need of “work”, and we could live with each other in peace and harmony without the endless abstractions, illusions and self-made suffering.