My Work Husband The KIWI

in #work7 years ago (edited)

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away........ YEAH RIGHT! Although I am approaching the "over the hill" status in our current society.

I, you see, work within an industry that is mostly populated by the male species. During my time in this highly over rated, glorified asshole persona, situation I find myself attending 5 days a week, I have managed to obtain the status of "work wife" Go figure! You never hear anyone saying he is my work husband, but I am known as his work wife.

Thank god we are not married, because I tried that game once and it wasn't a cup of tea or a walk in the bloody park either. Could it be called a "trial for the maybe one day leap I may take?" Hell, if this is a trial then let me put myself out of my misery now!

Let me tell you a little bit about the life of this work husband and wife -
Me, I am the stupidly kind person that will help anyone with anything. People come to me to ask questions about things because they know if I don't know the answer I will find out. I tidy the office kitchen of a morning because people in Sales are too foofin lazy to clean up after themselves and I do this whilst waiting for the kettle to boil to make my morning coffee.

Him, he is a kiwi man with a moustache. He is the Don Burke of our work place. He coughs, sneezes, and lifts his leg and farts at his desk. He tells you when he is "taking the kids for swimming lessons" and returns to tell you they all drowned. His thoughts are usually of the 'below the belt grade' and he is always good for a laugh.

Together we spend alot of time, we go and stand out on the foot path and chat and he vapes and we both perve on the shelia's that are passing by. I have still not worked out his "type" when it comes to the perving.. Honestly I think he would put a leg over any of them if they offered, and he wasn't actually married. We talk about all sorts of things and we even know probably a little too much about each others sex life, but hey, it makes life interesting and also makes me laugh. Especially when he tells me that his wife has never told him that an orgasm was so good that everything goes black.

We both have a knack of turning things people say into dirty conversation. I tend to say things out loud before I think about it. Hell he even whines when his desk gets untidy and tells me I should do my duty and tidy it up for him. He soon gets a slap up the side of the head or told off for the man cave comments. To end this first ever post I have decided to share a pic that I know my kiwi work husband would just love.

Kiwi Anyone_.jpg

Till next time.........