Well-Rooted Word

in #work8 years ago

I'm watching Gary Kesee & get a sweet revelation of something I thought I already understood, but didn't quite understand why. So sweet, I have to share. Forgive me if you already realize this, but if you are where I was before this revelation, maybe it might help you too. I feel like the Lord wants me to share this.

John 10:10 tells us that the thief comes to steal, kill & destroy . . . James 1:2-4 tells us to count it as all joy when we go through trials, because we know the truth & will persevere through the trials.

What does the enemy come to steal? The Word. If he can steal the Word, then he can kill & destroy you. But how does he do this? & Why does he have to steal the Word from you?

Matthew 13:3-8 is where Jesus tells the parable of the seeds that fall in non-fertile, thorny & fertile ground. If Satan can steal that Word (or seed) from you before you let it get deep within your spirit, get it rooted in & let it grow, you don't get the true benefit of knowing this Word. It only helps you for a moment & you can backslide & think, "That was a fluke."

But if you get the Word in you, deeply, rooted in your spirit, then you can count it as all joy when a trial or test from the enemy comes at you, because you KNOW that you will persevere & come out better than before the trial.

God is the same yesterday, today & forever & He is no respector of persons. If He did it for one person that learned how to understand & work the Word in his/her life, He'll do it for you too!

The key is to HOLD ONTO THAT WORD. Don't let go of it & think it was just a fluke that you sowed the Word into your spirit & you got that revelation. Keep that revelation & continue to apply it into your life (no matter what the enemy throws at you). Confess (or profess) the Word until you GET IT deep in your spirit.

It's not a fluke. It happened the way God said it would, because just like the law of gravity always works, so does God's laws.

Praise the Lord! He is so awesome!

#SeedTimeHarvest #TheWordWorks #WorkTheWord #GetItRooted