Wondrous Wednesday Contest // Yuk Ikutan Yuk!

in #wondrouswednesday6 years ago (edited)


As I was just coming online, I saw @princessmewmew posted that she has been feeling down lately and I was like, whaaa...? This smiley lady, like seriously she is always posting pretty picture of her smiling, is feeling down???? Can't be. What have this cruel world done to her??!! Tell me their names, princessmewmew, I will smack them with my hot out of the oven buns!

But wait, these buns are too good to waste for negativity tho, so how about a hug then, princessmewmew? 3 hugs! From my little boys and I :)

If you know my boys, especially my youngest, they both give the best sincere tight hugs, like for real. @enginewitty can attest to that ;-)

Anyhoo, YES! I would love to participate to this #wondrouswednesday contest of yours. Winning or not, if this put a smile back on your face, that's the idea, *hugs!*

So 10 wonderful things to list, huh. Well, first, these buns! They definitely are hot out of the oven!


Pa kabar teman? Semoga sehat selalu yah, aamiin

Tadi pas aku gi kurasi keliling cek-cek blog-blog, lihat pengumuman akan kontes yang sangat mudah, ga ribet, dan ga butuh banyak persiapan, yaitu kontest membuat daftar akan 10 hal yang membuatmu bahagia, bersukur, gembira deh pokoknya.

Kontes ini dicetuskan oleh @princessmewmew, sudah kenalan belum? Kalau belum, sekalian aja ikut kontesnya, ntar pasti kan kenalan wkwkwk

Pemenangnya bakalan di vote sama dia selama semingguan pada voting power 100%, lumayan kan. Yuk ayuk, ikutan yuk, hanya butuh ketik-ketik, jadi deh

Ini dia 10 hal yang bikin aku senyum-senyum belakangan ini

Pertama, yah roti dibawah ini nih :D

Isinya ada selai buah quince, cokelat, serta cokelat kelapa.

Why are them buns make me happy? How could they not. They were requested by my kids and as I am typing this, I can see them on the dining table, enjoying the buns. My kids, I guess any other young age HOOMAN, tell it as it is. When the food is good, when the food is bland. So if they request certain food, I know that recipe is a keeper ;-)

Second thing that made me happy would be my long chat with @saffisara just yesterday. I wish I could tell the world that her real name is actually Zara, not Sara, and she is THE famous Swedish singer in disguise....er wait. Shoot! I opened my mouth too much. This was supposed to be hers and my secret together. Shoot, shoot, shoot. I cannot edit this, this is already recorded on the blockchain. Shoooot! Sorry Za...I mean Sara! Please don't fall in love without me!!! - yeah, this is my inside joke with Sara. But seriously, who won't be happy chatting with Sara, a genuine friend she is. Am so happy our paths crossed, even only on Discord haha Well, for now anyways.

Third...THE RAIN! I am in BC, Canada. We always have wildfire problems, annually. This year, is the second worst on record of 945 km of forestland, destroyed. We had 2 days of rain, non-stop. Maybe that helped to tame the fire somewhat. As much as I do not want Autumn to be here yet, I am hoping for more rain. I was so grateful for those 2 days of rain. There were 2 years in a row where I was worrying throughout the Summer, as we were waiting for evacuation notice from the government! But in general, I always love the rain.

Haiyah, thekitchenfairy, kok roti bikin kamu bahagia toh, aneh-aneh aja

Lah iya teman. Buat aku bahagia ga susah kok. Segenggam berlian doang wkwkwkw

Anakku yang bungsu tadi pagi merengek minta sarapan roti dan ga mau roti yang ada di dapur (dari toko), maunya buatan mak-nya, jadi yah itu bikin aku bahagia. Kan anak-anak tuh tukang kritik yang paling jujur yak, nah kalau mereka suka akan sesuatu yang sama mulu, yaitu roti buatan mak-nya, berarti roti tersebut jos kan wkwkwk

Hal ke-2, yaitu teman Steemitku si @saffisara. Orangnya cakep bak artis sinetron, suaranya imut-imut, dan enak diajak gosip. Weeeiiittss, jangan prasangka dulu dong, kita gosipnya lagu kok :D

Hal ketiga, ini nih, hujan yang sedang turun ini yang aku suka. Disamping lagi ngedekem dirumah doang, jadi enak ngadem-ngadem, nih hujan juga semoga bisa membantu meredakan kebakaran hutan.

Semalam baca berita, kebakaran tahun ini merupakan kebakaran kedua terburuk yang dialami provinsi British Columbia, tempat aku tinggal. Sudah hampir 1000 km, euy. Kasian para hewan yang tinggal dihutan, pada lari kemana yah, itupun kalau mereka bisa lari menyelamatkan diri. Belum lagi orang-orang yang tinggal dekat daerah kebakaran, juga harus merasakan evakuasi, tercecar kesana kemarin.

Fourth - To All The Boys I Loved Before :P Hahahah I know it's aiming to teenagers and am way too old for it, but my gosh, Peter Kavinsky and Lara Jean make me want to write love letters hahaha Where have all those days gone. Writing love letters instead typing on smart gadgets when they are not always smart and keep auto-correcting me when I type in differ language, so annoying lol

Fifth - I see that @kubbyelizabeth continues her vegan-venture. This makes me very happy. She was doing a challenge back days on veganism, and apparently she keeps it going, long after that challenge was over!. Kudos to Kubby. This is so wonderful.<3

Sixth - Jenny! @topkpop. She makes me happy. Just seeing her name online would make me happy, because I know she is there for me, and I can always count on her in any meaning, especially lending an ear when I need one :) I have not seen her online these days, though. She is in the process of moving back to Canada. That makes me even happier. Even tho the province where she is moving to is very far from my province, but the thought that she would be in Canada (as well) excites me. I wish her safe travels, easy move, and come back online again to grace Discord and Steemit. Miss you, Jenny <3<3

Yang ke-4, aku gi demen ama film judulnya To All The Boys I loved, ada di Netflix. Sudah nontonkah? Jadi pingin balik ke masa remaja eh hahaha Waktu masih jamannya surat-suratan, belum ada HP, internet, dan sejenisnya wkwkwk

Yang ke-5, salah satu orang yang kukenal di Steemit dan Discord, si @kubbyelizabeth, beberapa bulan yang lalu tuh ikutan tantangan untuk hidup bak Beyonce, yaitu menjadi vegan selama sebulan. Kalau ga salah waktu itu sih hadiahnya 200 SBD. Nah meski tuh tantangan dah usai, ternyata dia sampai detik ini masih hidup ala vegan. Salut banget!

Yang keenam, temanku si Jenny yang suka banget sama KPOP, sampai nama usernya di Steemit jadi @topkpop. Dia lagi jarang online sih, karena sedang pindahan dari Amrik ke Kanada, tapi kalau sedang online, kita bisa chat beragam topik dari anak, negara, hal umum, Steemit dan tentunya KPop :D Aku senang banget waktu dengar dia bakalan pindah balik ke Kanada, meski provinsi kami sangat berjauhan, setidaknya sama-sama di Kanada wkwkwk

Curating noobs on #introduceyourself is the next thing that makes me happy. Reading awesome introductions don't tire me, I make new friends to some even. I wish I can upvote them high to show my support, but am curating 5-10 introductions daily, I have to distribute my VP to my friends, families, strangers, and noobs, so it's not easy. I hope they understand I appreciate them writing long introduction, followed with superb pictures of families, workplaces, cultures, etc. Welcome, welcome, welcome to Steemit, new friends!

8th - I found my husband sleeping holding hands with my 8 yo son last night. Took a picture but I ain't sharing that lol. Last night reminds me of how I used to sleep holding hands with my 8 yo when he was still 2 years old, and my husband took a picture of us too. I showed the picture to him this morning before he left for work. He smiled sweetly. Hope that sent him to work to have a good day :)

Ninth - HALLOWEEN! October can't come soon enough. I do not want Summer to be over, but I so cannot wait for Halloween hahaha Our Halloween is always with heavy snow, yet this never stopped us going trick or treating. It's cruel not to take the kids out to freeze the nose and ears outside lol I love Halloween, regardless the temperature outside. We have annual party for the kids. Whenever Halloween is over, I cannot wait for the new year to come and then Halloween again :D Our party has always been great, always make me happy whenever I can create creepy goodies and wowed the kids. Can't wait to dress up the kids too. I just cannot wait for Halloween. I get so giddy just thinking of it :P

Hal ke-7, kalau kau lagi keliling cek-cek teman-teman baru di #introduceyourself. Kalau yang pada nulis bagus, panjang, menarik dan disertai foto-foto, aku suka banget untuk kurasi mereka. Sayangnya karena setiap harinya aku usahakan mencoba kurasi 5-10 akun baru, aku ga bisa kasih mereka vote yang besar, karena kan voting powerku juga kupakai untuk kurasi teman-teman yang ku follow, teman-teman yang memakai #nusantara, keluargaku, teman-teman chatku dan juga teman-teman yang belum kujadikan teman, orang yang ga kukenal maksudnya hihihih Jadi semua tergantung voting powerku. Kalau masih besar, ku vote besar juga, tapi kalo dah mulai turun ke 80an%, yah dapatnya kecil juga. Andai aku seorang paus yak!

Yang ke delapan - semalam suamiku bobo sama anak sulungku, mereka bobonya cepat banget, jam 8 dah pingsan, sedangkan aku masih bangun sama si bungsu wkwkwk Eh pas aku tengok, mereka bobonya bergandengan tangan, so sweeeeet deh, jadi yah kucepret-cepret alias ku foto wkwkwkw Tadi pagi tak tunjukkin tuh foto ke suami, dia senyum-senyum bahagia. Nah itu kan bikin aku bahagia juga ;-)

Nomer 9! - yaitu perayaan Halloween. Ga sabar deh! Aku paling senang sama perayaan satu ini melebihi perayaan hari ulang tahun ku hahaha Habisnya kami selalu mengadakan pesta buat anak-anak, undang teman-teman mereka, lah kalau ulang tahun ku kan dah kepala 4, siapa yang mau diundang, ga mungkin anak-anak tetangga kan hahahah

All these I listed are things/people that make me happy and grateful at the time being. I have tons more. I am a very positive person, you know, so listing 10 won't be enough :P If I were to list them all, from each of my family members, friends, customers, small things, big things, lemons and watermelons, I bet I won't just deliver smile to you, princessmewmew, but headache too! hahaha

Anyways for my 10th, chocolate. Chocolate is life. I can never have enough chocolate. Anything chocolatey, I like, including chocolate pasta. YUM!

There you go. And to end this Wondrous Wednesday, let me share you the recipe for the (chocolate) buns I posted above :)

Tentunya yang ku blog hari ini hanya sedikit dari hal-hal yang bisa membuatku senang. Masih banyak lagi, baik besar maupun kecil, tapi kan ga mungkin yak diketik semua, emangnya cerbung hahaha, cerpen aja capek apalagi cerbung kan yak.

Jadi ini saatnya untuk menyelesaikan daftar ini, yaitu dengan COKELAT!

Aku doyan banget cokelat, oleh karena itu hal yang pertama ku tuliskan diatas adalah mengenai roti tadi, soalnya isi cokelat hahah. Nih resepnya dibawah kalau mau coba buat :)

- 1 tbsp flax meal soaked in 2 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp active dry yeast, bloomed in 250 ml lukewarm nut milk and 2 tbsp sugar
- 500 g flour mixed with 60 g icing sugar and a pinch of salt
- 160 g vegan margarine, melted
- 2 tsp vanilla essence
- dark chocolate spread, coconut flour, and quince jam

How To

-Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients, knead. Let rest covered with cling wrap for 30 mins, then punch down
-Divide into balls at @85 grams each, flatten and fill with quince, or chocolate spread, or chocolate spread mixed with coconut flour. Shape into balls and seam to seal
-Let rolls rest for 15-20 mins, then bake on preheated 350 F for 20 mins. Voila :D

-1 sdm biji rami bubuk di diamkan dalam 2 sdm air
-1 sdm ragi butiran, didiamkan dalam 250 ml susu hangat suam kuku yang sudah diberi gula 2 sdm
- campurkan 500 g terigu dengan 60 g gula bubuk serta sejumput garam, sisihkan
- lelehkan 160 g margarin, sisihkan
- 2 sdt esens vanila

Cara Membuat

- tuang bahan basah ke bahan kering, adon hingga rata, uleni
- biarkan hingga mengembang selama 30 menit
- bagi adonan seberat masing-masing 85 g, pipihkan, beri selai, cokelat, ataupun cokelat dan kelapa bubuk
- bentuk bulat dan diamkan 20 menit
- panggang pada oven 350 F yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu, selama 20 menit. Jadi deh :D

Thanks for reading this rather long post!

I feel crazy, daily posting in bilingual :P Imagine if I have to type in Hungarian too, I will spend the whole day sitting and making my bum flat, for less than 1 SP, YIKES! :P

Teruskan menciptakan artikel yang menarik dan gunakan tagar #nusantara, dan juga vote ke thekitchenfairy, sebagai Steemit Witness kalian di https://steemit.com/~witnesses Pada kolom yang tersedia, ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE :D

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This is wonderful, nay, WONDROUS! Thank you so much for entering my challenge 💜 i absolutely love that you are cheating the introduce yourself tag, I think I shall too!

And I am also a crazy chocolate freak, so much so that I have to only have it on the weekend!

Thanks again Kitchen Fairy xxx

who doesnt like chocolate, right??? no, wait, @saffisara doesnt lol

hope this cheered you up!

and oh, also, bet you meant CURATING, not cheating :P how do we cheat #introduceyourself, tho, would like to know ;-)

Aww, this is a cute challenge. It has been a challenging day and it has been tough to eat vegan/plant based, but I've been on and off it for a year now. I can't believe @princessmewmew is feeling down, I hope this brightens her day as it did mine. :)

not easy, I know, but you will get there, Kubby!

Mantap... terimakasih resepnya mba...

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ayo mbak dicoba, dan juga ayo ikutan kontesnya :D

haha! howdy there kitchenfairy! you did it. another perfect post. dang you're good! perfect buns too dog gonit!

hey! come join the contest, it's fun! you can write about trucks, horses, and memes :P - as things that make you happy :P

Mantafff @thekitchenfairy selalu menampilkan resep yang menggiurkan

ikutan kontesnya be, mana tau rejeki

ga perlu ngetik panjang2 seperti diatas lah hahaha ga ada kerjaan mah

Thems some good lookin buns ya got there :P and yes, her boys are very good huggers and full of life!

someone commented the same, so i replied give it a try, they are soft, and that person laughed like nuts and giving me facepalm....i truly meant the buns tho, that person has dirty mind, besides, it was on public comment, not on my dm, i would have meant something else :P i kid i kid

I will keep this post really handy as the recipe looks delicious :D. Thank you, @thekitchenfairy

I really enjoyed reading this post, it gives such a good, positive vibe and that's always appreciated!

I haven't came across this contest before but it seems like a fun one, good luck! And those buns look yummy! :)

hi @nikolina! come join the fun, it is hosted by @princessmewmew, one of our family members in #thealliance :)

Oh my gosh, those fluffy buns!! 😍