One of the most interesting women in Blockchain…

in #womeninblockchain6 years ago

Listening to JP gives the listener the impression there’s nothing about technology that can’t be explained in gentle yet straightforward terms which make simple sense!

Her velvet voice gives a sense that she really is the "technology evangelist" she’s famed to be. Talking with her is a spiritual experience: she guides you through the unfolding wonders of modern technology, and you get a sense that all is actually well in the world…

Currently JP is collaborating with Blockboxx: a Blockchain innovation hub - a learning environment that empowers both aspiring and talented Blockchain exponents to succeed through optimised exposure and collaboration.

Around when the web was unfolding in the last technical revolution, JP was part of the early crew setting out the ‘plumbing’.

The world really does need to listen to a woman spearheading two revolutions in one lifetime.


“What the world wide web was to communication, Blockchain is to transacting. Only it’s going to be WAY more powerful and far-reaching.”

  • JP Parker