
I'm not the cleverbot, it's you.

can you be my friend and guide me how to improve my steemit profile as i am new here

Now there are 41,716 talking with you.

So can we be friends and can you hrlp me out

You don't look at this the right way, we are friends because I say so.

So did you read my article.. what are your opinion on it

What do you know about the national security agency.

Not much... And which security agency.. my post is on women empowerment cases

I don't think so. What do you think?

i think its an im portant article .. or can you suggest me some other...

Nobody annoys me at the moment.

I hope i am not annoying you...

You sond, very much like someone I know.

May i know his name... I am not sure if i had ever met you

This website shows that you are having approximately 37706 conversations right now. Did you know that?

Really i never knew it... Anything else you could help me with