Women Cheat just as much as men do but they rationalize it ...

in #women7 years ago

A whole lot of women will not want to admit that they cheat, even to their best friends, but I am sure the men will agree with me. Women think about image. " I will look like a slut if I slept with this guy after one night and I have a boyfriend.""But if nobody else knows, it's like it never happened right?" Another way women may justify cheating is, he cheated on me so I will get him back". Knowing they have been wanting to sleep with this particular guy for months now but they have to protect their image. You sly little ladies...

Women be honest though, I am sure if you don't think about cheating much you have girlfriends who tell you their stories and you know their husbands or boyfriends think that they are the Angel sent from above and would never ever think about anything like that. Its just life though, people will forever be attracted to other people. Some have the will power not to indulge or entertain the thoughts, while others will try hard but they will be drawn into that feeling of NEW.

Personally I think women like the new feeling. The feeling of that exaggerated intense love that is ultimately just strong lust playing tricks on their brains. Women indulge though, especially if their relationships have done a few long months or years and the man has stopped giving her flowers and taking her out to movies etc. Basically the NEW feeling has worn off and he is getting it now and thinks he shouldn't do much more to keep her. While some women will ignore and live with it, others will not just sit by and lose this feeling they have been longing for and that has now been slipping away. They complain, some men may say they nag, and they try to get the man to act as if its a new love all the time which is really impossible for men.

I am not saying the man shouldn't try to appease his partner, he should.. that's his duty. When she was being chased by him, he did everything to get her attention and won it. Now it's time to continue making her happy no matter how hard it is. But as said before, its difficult for most men and we do get distracted and complacent sometimes. The woman will not always wait though. Men are always on the hunt and another man will be hunting her and making her feel special and desired and she will try sometimes to say no, but then she will love the attention and she will repay that other man with hers.The difference is her reason. A woman will always justify cheating with something that the man is or isn't doing . It will be that you never took her anywhere, or she is not feeling like you really love her the way you use to. When she in herself knows that that's far from the truth. You really do love her and in your mind taking her to work and picking her up is spending time with her; or taking her to visit your friends or parents qualified as you taking her out (in your mind).

But let me not talk as if I know why women do what women do, there are a myriad of reasons why women may do what they do. Some are just like men, they want that new dick. Not a lot is like that but you do have them, but they too will be quick to beat a man down for his " extra-curricular" activities.

What can you do? Gotta love them and they cant do without us men either.

Thank you for reading and leave your comments below. Do check out my post about why men cheat and do the same. upvote..etc.

Valentino out!!!


Liking that "new" feeling is a real thing. New is intoxicating. Many ill-advised marriages are made based on that wonderful "new" feeling.

Looking for something their current partner isn't giving them is also a reason. So is hoping to find someone to have lined up to go to when they leave their current partner. It pays to plan. :)

Women probably DO cheat just as much as men, but with most of them, their reasons may be slightly different. I've managed to not cheat after many, many years of marriage, but that doesn't mean I don't fantasize. Boy, do I fantasize.

That's okay, right? ;)

Lol. It is always ok to have a healthy imagination, especially when you are a writer. So definitely not a bad thing to fantasize

Lol! Good. Because that's one of my hobbies. :)

Yeah? I think we share similar hobbies. I do that too a lot and also reminisce. I think people should live a life thats adventurous to a point because when we get older all we can do is remember the old days.

I reminisce a lot, too. I especially like to reminisce, and then change certain things, knowing what I know now. Some things, I would never change. Others, I really wish I could, so imagining I did is the next best thing.

I understand. And another thing is, things are so much more fun when you think about them most of the time, than when you do them for real

Oh, absolutely. I don't think there's ever been anything I've done in real life that could compare to how wonderful the things are that I imagine. I've got an amazing sex like in my imagination. Real life just turns out to be a disappointment in that area, most of the time.

LOL. You are so funny. You cool Mckenzie