My views on: Self esteem and Media Objectification
When we say self-esteem it deals with the emotional evaluation of a person of his worth. Since this is a post about in celebration of the "International Women's Day" may I say evaluation of a person of her worth.
Actually self-esteem is the outcome from the environmental events in the life of a certain person. It may be from his achievement like academic achievement
What is the connection of the word self-esteem to the media objectification. As I go along with this post I can speak up the thoughts that is in my mind.
Media is a very influential tool that will shape a culture in the society. It will influence everyone as to what the media conveys. There are a lot of influential materials that shape the culture of the society and as a result it will become the way of life of the people without their knowledge. Media comes in the picture in many ways. It is either uplifting the self-esteem of everyone but most often it will make it the way of life of the people without realizing they are being manipulated by such events brought by the media.
I m watching a movie while making this post and as I glimpse in the screen, I saw a sensual scene in the screen which I can't point out what is the connection of the scene with the total story of the movie.
In this scene comes in the media objectification of women wherein, movies are being spiced up with scene that involve a woman in sensual act. Media tends to exploit women in the sense that they are being viewed as sexual object in the movie...these sexual uses are being used in the media because they are making it profitable. The trend will continue and this became a culture. It is not man that only buy the idea but the women themselves are goes into it...buying the idea that sensual scene can spice up the movies and thus they are becoming aware of making their looks and figures appealing for this purpose. Young girls are becoming aware of body weight...They tend to maintain their body weight to be called "sexy" even at an early age. All are for the main reason of the cultures the media is conveying behind the message of every sensual acts they made promoting mainly women as the object of this virtue...making it more profitable in their venture.
Another way of showing the objectification of women is through the advertisement of wines...what in this world will the woman has to do with the wine...Can not the advertisers market a wine without using a woman. Why can't they just place a man drinking wine..Why it has to do with women and most often the sensual stare of man to the woman in wine advertisement will become the spice of it making the wine more salable in the market.
See what I mean...or just realize what I mean...what is the connection?
Women again are being seen as sensual object in the picture...and thus exploiting women in her own very eyes. Women buy the culture to more attractive because of this thereby making it a culture in a society that women should look sensual with a sexy body and a lot more physical attribute making it more objective to the purpose of attracting customers.
In any advertisements especially with the cosmetics..Yeah, I can understand that they are being used by woman...but do they really need to look sensual in any ads for the product to be bought. If the culture is to asked...yes they must because the culture shape the society through media that when you used such you will look good. Others will see the beauty in a result media objectification comes in again.
There are a lot of entertainment that used women as the center of it. Even in the music can see what I mean. The messages of music videos persuade us to how we treat women enacting sexual abuse which is acceptable...thereby creating a negative culture against women.
With the celebration of "International Women's Day" feminist wants to stop this kind of maltreatment to women. It is time to make new way of endorsing product...making a movie, music videos and any other material...
Let the self-esteem of women be elevated that they are treated as human and not just like a toy or object of maltreatment.
<center>Stop women Violence using media objectification and start treating women as human!!! not a sensual object of the media...</center>
@hazem91 I saw you in the discord of Femini-steem and I would like to personally thank you for the celebrtaing the "International Women's Day" with us.
Photos from pixabay
<center> </center>
This is a great idea ,,, How do you think to create such thing across your country that is Miyanmar ,, look at the fate of women 'rohingya'
One thing that I notice also is the beauty pageants , it's also a way to exploit women.Most business tycoons get their special escorts from the contestants. This society does such a subtle kind of exploitation.
Yes, that's right! To have dignity and self-steem women should be treated as a valuable treasure. So, women value yourself like a hidden treasure by not exposing your private body parts just to entertain anyone! Because what is important is our inner person not the outside appearance! Be beautiful in heart!
Well written post, first of you are right the media has a massive influence over the world good and bad. If the media were to say for instance thin is out fat is in... people would immediatly start trying to put on weight. The same thing with advertisments of a lipstick or hairdye, why are they so selective. They do it with every generation example a night cream for seniors they chose Jane Fonda because she looks very good for her age why not be realistic, not everyone will look like that. It makes me wonder if it is a form of lying.
Thank you for the mention @baby07 😊
In my opinion, Women have a strength, which is your beauty. But you dodn't seem to use it wisely is more "used" or even abused by media, advertising companies ar just Men in general :/
hello @baby07 I have read and see your post may vote from me do not affect much thanks.

I would love to see more equal treatment of genders in advertising too.