Dear woman, be an expensive woman for self-esteem, which cannot be obtained easily, especially only through illicit relationships such as "dating". Do not!

in #woman6 years ago

Dear woman, be an expensive woman for self-esteem, which cannot be obtained easily, especially only through illicit relationships such as "dating". Do not!

But remember, expensive does not mean you have to be arrogant with your pride, but remain firm with your principles, keep your heart to continue to refer to the rules of God, so that you remain valuable and not labeled "easy woman".

It's really valuable to you, O woman, so don't let you be fooled by the cradle of men who just want to tear down your holy defense, stay strong even though the sweet attention of men turns to you.

In essence, be you a woman who is not easily confused and swept away in sweet words that come out of the mouth of a man irresponsibly.

Do not let you melt with just a spoiled greeting "hi dear", because maybe not only you are a woman called her dear so sweet.

You have to keep yourselves high with shame, you never want to be asked only if "invented", because the bond of love before the halal is very detrimental.

Dating is called a road to know each other is a hoax, because indirectly when men say "just go first, between mate and not give everything to God".

Preeetttt, remember that such words are only a mode of the word "if we are comfortable then we go to the aisle, but if not, you will just leave".

Remember, O woman, you are beautiful and too beautiful if your existence is only used to satisfy the irresponsible desires of men, then take care of your heart well and wisely, do not fall asleep and do not easily say "yes" when you do it with a sweet word.

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Because you are beautiful if you continue to heed the rules of God, then do not let yourself despise you by not being careful to guard your heart, do not let you fall in love relationships called "dating".

Whatever you are, you will still be the most beautiful creature of the world, when your faith, dignity, and honor are always accountable.

So, don't get your crown off just by greeting a man who has no definite purpose to have you.

Continue to be patient in obedience, continue to adore yourself, until finally good men come to ask "dowry" for you.

Because honestly, really you are too beautiful and valuable if only bought with mere words, that's why you must be good at protecting your heart from men who only want to fulfill their passions.