RE: What I Look For When Voting For Witnesses + (Steem Witness Spotlight)
I hesitated for a second replying under you, @fulltimegeek, because it's a bit awkward for me. But I'm working on getting over these things. After all, it's my job to put myself out there - it's part of the gig.
I've been writing quite a bit on the matter recently. What my focus is, what I'm working on and most importantly why I'm focusing on Steem:
Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm special. I started out with nothing, like everyone else, but I knew that in order for me to have positive impact I had to build myself up first. (I can't give, what I don't have)
And now, I've gotten to a point where I can give back and the post I shared, details all my efforts and contributions towards Steem and it's people & communities.
With that said, thanks for caring about STEEM as much as you do, @fulltimegeek!
Cheers, Wolf
Witnesses should start doing a battle of the brains to show off their dev skills ... We can ask the community a simple app that they want and the first witness to produce it wins.
Interesting idea indeed! But good apps take time and I don't see a reason why previous work shouldn't be considered as well.
An astonishing idea, with that we know we are in safe hands when things go south.