Explain Delegated Proof of Stake Like I'm 5steemCreated with Sketch.

in #witness7 years ago (edited)

Great post..thanks for taking the time to explain. What do you think about when people delegate their voting power to someone else? I have not done that but am thinking about it. Thanks for your input @stellabelle

So glad you are here in Steemit ❤️ Resteemed

This post deserves a tip! 1.00

thanks for the tip! Hmmmm.....I think maybe some people don't want to do the research to determine who to vote for.....so are you talking about setting a proxy? I think delegating voting power to someone else is a good thing. Not everyone likes to vote daily, and if the voting power is not delegated, then it's wasted.

thanks .. I appreciate the input.

Yes, thank you so much, @stellabelle, I finally get it! After watching heaps of videos elsewhere and documents, I finally get it! :)

Thanks for the beginners course on DPOS, but I still have some questions. How does one become a witness? How does one vote for a witness? Do witnesses run full nodes? Where is the STEEM blockchain hosted? How big is the STEEM blockchain currently, and how many full nodes do we have? I have been wondering these things for awhile.

wow, I'll have to write an article about each of your questions...here goes

  1. One becomes a witness by setting up a witness....@someguy123 has great tutorials on what you need to do as far as your computer. Then, one has to constantly campaign to become a Witness, as well as do work for the Steem ecosystem.
  2. You would need to ask a Witness if they run full nodes, as I don't know.
  3. The Steem blockchain runs in a decentralized manner, meaning through computers (nodes) all over the globe that are connected to each other. Steemit.com is different from the Steem blockchain. Steemit is hosted on AWS.
  4. I don't know how big the Steem blockchain is currently, I think @someguy123 might know....and you'd need to ask @jesta, @good-karma or other Witnesses how many full nodes we have.

Thank You for your reply! I will look into becoming a witness and setting up a node. I should probably go and read the updated whitepaper as well.

I have a question @stellabelle

What is AWS?

Only the top 20 Witnesses are paid for their service. Because many want to become a Witness, there are hundreds of backup Witnesses.

The top 100 witnesses are paid.

Thanks. I will edit this.

Only the top 20 Witnesses are paid for their service. Because many want to become a Witness, there are hundreds of backup Witnesses.

This isn't true. Backup witness do make some money as well. At position 58 I make around 300$ a month.

ok, thanks for that. I'll edit it.

Do you know how many full nodes are currently running? Also, someone asked how big the Steem blockchain currently is...

Not sure on the full nodes, but I believe the blockchain is about 32 gigs currently.

Thanks for the lesson and education regarding the witnesses and DPOS. Many are new to this platform as well as with the crypto alt tokens and there is a lot to learn.

If a Witness starts acting like an asshole, or stops doing a quality job securing the network, people in the community can remove their votes, essentially firing the bad actor. Voting is always ongoing.

Lol, i cant stop laughing , lovely post stella

I love to use the word, 'asshole', mainly because I can. I was going to spell it, a&&hole, but then i just said, 'fuck it'.

I just raised the PG to 13 :)

hahaha. this is rib cracking.

Thanks for sharing keep it up

your post is great, you should get a lot of rewards, thank you for sharing, do not forget my vote 100% yes, let's help fellow

This makes it more of democracy, where the people votes matter a lot

This means that people who have more tokens will influence the network more than people who have very few tokens.

Obviously increasing the amount of token is synonymous to increasing ones shares(stake) on the platform.