[Notice] zzan witnesses's full node is temporary stop
Hello steemian! I'm @zzan.witnesses
We pause the full node.
We will restart it as soon as possible. It will be announced again when it restart.
The list of full nodes to be stopped is as follows.
We are still thinking about running the STEEM witness's node.
If you can help me please contact me.
Thank You,
Yours sincerely,
need help setting the witness ,, let me know
어서 다시 만나요~! 💙
항상 수고 많습니당~! 💙
Welcome back again
I don't know how to help you, but if something is possible, tell me, I like to help a lot
for you

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
Hand in hand towards the top
Our goal is always one to help each other
Greetings and love, companion
Always do my resteem and I also ok my hero