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RE: NOBLEWITNESS UPDATE - On Promises, Contracts, and Integrity
You guys are a bunch of PSYCHOS! You went to my buyer and complained and guilted them into buying a ticket for @gmuxx , then @rhodak calls me a Spade a spade, you guys are RACIST! Don’t you know if you say that to people in the South you’ve got a serious problem.
Then @gmuxx screen shares PM messages that are in a post!
Let’s talk about integrity?
Again, spade

Dude...come on...the more you talk, the more idiotic you look. But keep it up, because you've done nothing but prove our point, which is that Steemit users should avoid conducting business transactions with you because either A) you don't understand the legalities and ethics involved in conducting business transactions, or B) you don't care about those legalities and ethics, either of which case makes you a BAD RISK.
Nah, you guys just blow things outta proportion. The relationship I’ve built with top 50 witnesses aren’t tarnished inthe slightest from losers like you guys.
Perhaps i should post a post about how your a racist and let everyone know how you truly feel. Perhaps i should screen grab portions of these conversations and post them displaying your intregrity and allowing others to see that you are a RISK as well for human character and defamation. That you are just a closet bully on this platform attacking race with your witty unintentional and punitive responses! Sorry I’m not like that. I don’t continuously cyber bully ppl here on this platform. You’re so delusional
No dude
People are generally not as dumb as whoever you normally base your standards on... Which must be a very unique crowd of suckers to buy your nonsense herein as printed.
Bottom line. Go buy anything, saya car... Or a house... Or a tv from spme rent to own joint. Any item on payments will do for this experiment. Make a couple payments to an unscrupulous integrity lacking seller and get back to me when you come home and find the tc missing or the car gone or the locks changed because they randomly and without warning sold your currently paid up to date shit. Im pretty sure you would go apesht like you are on this page only in the example scenario given here you would be right to as pissed and angry as muxxy and others are here. In the real event unfolding here, however, where you are the actual low intgrity deal breaking, promise breeching low af unscrupulous seller... You really need to stop making yourseld look worse becauses its rapidly becoming too late for you tomake any public apology or other amends to assuage some of ill will youve now earned for yourself in the public eye.
Im not going to fix hasty cell phone typos here as i am on limited connectivity which is quite slow here in Lima Peru handling steem business with many well known steem business people, investors and project reps. All of whom heard this story last night and wont be doing any business with you after they all say this page and your responses.
Fyi they arent even picking a side on the original issue they just mostly think you failed on all uour responsez to thos, guilty or not in their opinions. All agreed you missed rhe high road and went low. And that was enough for a table full of observers to go... Woah. That guy blew this image management and integrity proving opportunity. So now how many others saw thisbthat will never say a word.... Not boding well for you. Just some observations.
Lol! You guys are too much! Public apology LMAO! Such losers! If anyone will be accepting an apology it’s me from you!
Good luck defending the racists on your team!
And here @sircork we spoke months back and introduced by my #1 friend @patrice whom i hold in the highest respect. I figured you of all people would understand my perspective but clearly also missing it as well!
Shaking my head 😂
invoke all the names you want. Patrice won't touch this with a ten-foot pole. I can tell you I've heard her speak about people who have reneged on deals with her before both in private and I believe even on her transparency radio show that used to be on my former station and she has no really warm feelings for that sort of thing. I certainly won't put words in her mouth for this issue but I can guess that she probably wouldn't offer any anyway since she has no dog in this race. I just know how she feels about stuff like this from many conversations and I doubt she's fond of your choices here. Just an educatef guess about an unrelated party you randomly name dropped to try and get some credability by association to a good friend of mine. The ladt person who tried to use her as an undesired reference got banned from hers and other communities for bothering them with alleged relationships to said communitys and for dragging them into drama that never included them at all. Dont be a walden. Suck up your asshole move here and own it if you are dead to rights on it. Calling in a woman who has no idea about this sonfar most likely is just a lame ass move all around. Lol super lame. Like breaking a deal.
Lol she’s my friend! And sorry not sorry! I won’t waste anymore energy on this
Please do. Please do. Because we have more than screen grabs to support our claims. The more attention you call to this, the better. So I support any posting and trash talking and sharing of links to this post that you feel inclined to do.
Lol #67 witness. And you can’t pay full price for a ticket to Steem Fest you have to settle by badgering my buyer to helping @gmuxx out on a payment plan. You guys are the real deal! Lol can’t even support the Steem Fest conference by buying a Full Price ticket, instead you take a plankton one! And you’re #67 😂😂😂😂😂
I wont speak for the others here but speaking as and for myself alone, the pricing structure of steemfest is a tad bit insanely priced. Im producing an event for an eaely estimate of an expected 1500+ people and thats going to require a large scale venue. And we will comfirm that we have our ticket sale site already set for 150 dollar tickets for all attendees. There is no intention to ever charge more and we are working venue and services negotiations to potentially evenlower that price. I wanted to make it completely free to attend actually but unfortunately all big spaces for rhis cost a lot and even id every dapp and app paid a reasoanable marketing type of sponsorship it wouldnt cover costs for an event of rhis scale for a platfoem wide open event with tradeshow space, speakers and rooms and equipment and such
Steemfest is cool and all but honestly other than to support my speaking teammates i wouldnt choose to go ro poland in spring/winter conditions or to do business really because my project contributions to our team dont really reuire that at this time. So yeah discussing affordability as a deflection of your responsibility to stand by your agreements and uphold them was a nice try that migjt fool a passerby or two but most people thay weball know who will read this know we mostly use our money for in platform projects or charitable efforts or for nearly constant meetups coverage all year long for platform and community specific events, very often supporting others attendance to same events when warranted and feasible.
We are pretty much all four known for our nearly fanatical and zealous generosity of time, money and general support on all the steemt things to thousands of users cumaltively between us across all the communities we frequent, mod or built ourselves.
You oversold a ticket which youve basically accredited to your own mismanagement of a deal made in good faith by thw purchaser, reneged on tje deal out of what basically is being declares long winded varients of "impatience and greed and misrepresented as fear of a buyer to conform to the terms when you made rhe deal without doing much due diligence or reference checks which in turn you cite yourself as confirmations that would have stopped you from failing to uphold your side of an agreement" and thats really the short summary of your position. It is pretty cut and dry.
I for one will conclude that for reasons of muxxes integrity which is widely recognized as baasically impeccable, others have stepped in to assist with this minute hassle you caused for him, which is great for him, not such great optics for you, and cause for me to not ever pursue much business with you had any unforseeable need come up. Which of course as lowly witness 60 something probably wont unless you consider that you also think witnesd 67 should help fund a festival we are merwly attending but not responsible for the exorbitant cost it comes with.
Not sure which seems your comments seem to shift with immediate needs to where we are either some nobody witness or big enough we should assume responsiblity for helping somebody else produce their expensive event. At which some of our members are invited to speak without direct compensation or aid with expenses by the organizer. Unlike the large event being produced BY our team where nonprofit and specialized invited speakers who are just promoting a profit based endeavor or projects volunteering to speak for the benefits afforded by doing so of their own accord will in fact recieve some incentives or reimbursement assistance in reasoable accordance with ticket sales proceeds. If we could make it free and pay all the speakers and be in pro environment and venue, you bet we would. But world class events dont work that way.... And we wont make promises or make deals and offers we cannot deliver on. Thar would be what we call a dick move. Adults dont make offers and deals with any intent other than to deliver on them. Anything less would be dishonorable at least and criminal at most. Both are sucky ways to run your agreements with your customers or clientele. I dount you can find anyone who would disgree with how honor and agreements work.
I was needed elsewhere the embarrassing typing and typos are the results of my being overseas on a crappy mobile connection and moving around and trying to do this at the same time and I'm not going to the back then. If ypu shpw up @grammernazibot or whatever your name is , im sarisfied people can read this they know what it basically says in context.
I didn’t read all of this, no time for it, but if you need assistance on your events with donations or upvotes I’m happy to support them.